Monday, December 20, 2010


For some reason I am very intrigued by the "Flash Mobs", and no it doesn't involve Hartford gangs. For those not familiar with the concept, I guess large groups show up at a specified public place and break out in a performance. This year several locations in Connecticut have received a Holiday treat as the "Mobs" have belted out a rendition of "Hallelujah".

The reaction of the unsuspecting public is interesting as the performance begins. To be a part or watch a "Mob" performance, you can apparently catch one at Westfarms Mall Center Court this Thursday, December 23 at 7:00pm.

Maybe it is not too early to try to organize one for next years "Festival of Light" opening ceremony. And maybe hot chocolate and Christmas cookies prepared by the Lincoln Culinary Institute would work also for the crowd.. And maybe a snow sculpture contest in the park, just some thoughts.

Here is a "flash mob" from a couple weeks ago .


I'm not sure why it is cutting off the right side of the video, but the thought remains the same