Friday, December 4, 2020



I posted earlier today about the HPD "Dead Pool" being run out of the Hartford Police Department's Major Crimes Division You can read that post here

In typical fashion , Hartford Police Chief  Jason Thody was quick to react since he has never set the tone of accountability as a leader of the Department.  Thody claimed that he was angered over the "Dead Pool" text message and quickly reassigned the Detective who sent the post. In true Thody fashion it will probably end there since further action would draw attention to his incompetence as a Chief..

Why is the Major Crimes Lieutenant Paul Cicero  untouched and what about the two Major Crimes Sergeants? They were all apparently on the original text. Cicero apparently did nothing after the original text was sent and only after someone from the Hartford Court tipped him off around 1:15 PM today that I was posting the text , Cicero finally did something.

 There will most likely be some bogus attempt at a cover-up attempt as there was with altered documents after Thody's evading crash, but the time line will prove who knew what and when and furthermore , what did they do. A lapse of days is not acceptable for a supervisor who has an obligation to act promptly At roughly 1:40 PM Cicero sent an e-mail to his Major Crimes Detectives that the "Dead Pool" was unacceptable. Close tp 3 days  after the text was sent, Cicero apparently realized that it was time for some serious "CYA" before the matter blew up. Sorry, too late.

Cicero and his two Sergeants all had an obligation to act as supervisors. Failure to do anything should result in a charge of "Failure to Supervise" for all three.

Yes, the Detective who sent the original text was wrong, but so are Cicero and both of his Sergeants for apparently doing nothing. Fairness would, or should, dictate that everyone involved be removed from their positions, at least while an investigation is conducted.

It seems that it is very hypocritical for Thody to feign indignation when he has set the tone himself, especially after his evading accident where reports were falsified.

In Thody's e-mail to Department personnel after my posting earlier today Thody  states "Once trust between our department and our community is diminished, or lost, it is a vey long road t rebuild it"

A very true statement, but in reality, probably no HPD Officer has done more in the last year to diminish the Public's trust than Chief Jason Thody himself after his evading accident and coverup this past summer. Leaders lead by the example they set, not by sitting down and typing a hypocritical e-mail.

Much more to come on this, in the mean time Thody's e-mail is below where he admits to the facts in my earlier posting.



Wednesday I received a call about the existence of the "Dead Pool"at HPD in the Major Crimes Division. I am very rarely surprised by these calls as it relates to HPD , but this one astounded me with the sheer ignorance and audacity that someone would be ignorant enough to put the "Dead Pool" invite in writing and send it out by text .  Does the news of Police Accountability not reach those inside the walls of HPD? Are they tone deaf to the public sentiment, and don't they wonder how the news of HPD detectives betting on homicides in the City probably wont do anything to build the public perception of HPD in the community?

"You have been selected to participate (voluntary) in the Major Crimes Dead Pool." That is how a group text apparently sent out by a Hartford Police Major Crimes detective began. The text was sent to over twenty members of HPD ,including the Commander of the Major Crimes Division and HPD spokesperson , Lieutenant Paul Cicero and two Sergeants assigned to Major crimes. An Inspector and a Prosecutor from the Hartford County States Attorney's Office also received the invite, although it is unclear if they actually received it. 

At this time I am unaware if anyone responded to the text or if anyone moved to look into the matter or notify their supervisors of the invite. It seems to me , to be a huge conflict of interest as well as immoral to have detectives betting on Homicides that they will most likely be called to investigate
The full text of the invite reads as follows:

"You have been selected to participate (voluntary) in the Major Crimes Dead Pool.The pool consists of a $20 Dollar donation to receive a pin. Once one receives a pin, an address (number or intersection) will be submitted for the first homicide of 2021 Prior to selection, names will be chosen at random for the selection process. More than one pin can be purchased, locations can not be repeated. Final pin placements will be done one week prior to the end of the year. Last call by December 12th. You will only get a pin when payment is made.

Closest location wins. If an intersection is picked, please select a geographical corner. If one street is picked, a number is needed."

I think this behavior is just one more example of the lack of accountability and the result of the tone set by HPD's Chief Jason Thody and his documented poor behavior. It is difficult to hold Officers to a higher standard when the Chief doesn't hold himself to those same standards of accountability.

The sad part is that Mayor Bronin continues to allow Thody to erode the trust and confidence the community should have in their Police Department by the lack of accountability.  It is unclear why Bronin has turned a blind eye to Thody's behavior and has raised many questions. Is there more going on with those in the Mayor's Office enamored with Thody that he keeps being given a "free pass"

Mayor Bronin needs to deal with the "Dead Pool" and he needs to do it swiftly. Any supervisor that does not have a problem with Officers betting on homicides does not deserve to be in any type of Supervisory role, period!