Monday, August 26, 2024


According to a Hartford City Hall whistleblower, the President of the Hartford Municipal Employees Association, (HMEA) has been removed after action   was taken by the Unions Board of Directors. Sean Antoine, the HMEA Union President was removed after allegations of misuse  of the Unions Debit Card were brought to light by another Union Member. Allegations were that over a thousand dollars were made by Antoine during a trip to Dubai. Since that revelation, other allegations have been made that Antoine may have forged the Union Treasurers signature on checks.  That allegation is currently under investigation.

Antoine was also employed by the City of Hartford in the City Treasurers Office. According to an e-mail  obtained by  "WE THE PEOPLE", Antoine was placed on Administrative leave from City employment as of August 23rd. Subsequently, Antoine submitted his resignation/retirement  effective as of August 26, 2024.

According to the e-mail obtained, City Treasurer Carmen Sierra is expected to use an outside  Auditor to conduct a review of Antoine's activities while employed in the Treasurers Office.

It is unclear at this point if Antoine's actions will be referred  to the Hartford Police Department regarding the alleged Union financial improprieties