Tuesday, February 11, 2025


The opinions on the SuperBowl half time show have been extremely  varied. Some like it, some hated it. The opinion on social media is that anyone who didn't like the show were racist. Those who liked it were ardent supporters of diversity. 

The following Youtube channel has some very valid points, in my opinion. Take a few minutes and see what you think .

Sunny Hostin 'The View' RAN OFF SET After BOOED By Audience For Saying This About WHITE PEOPLE

Wednesday, February 5, 2025


 That damn Elon Musk, the nerve of him to be exposing waste in our Government. This is something that is long overdue. This is exactly the type of common sense the US People voted for when they brought Donald J. Trump back for a second term. And how does America benefit from almost 100% of these ridiculous expenditures, and how does $32,000 for a transgender comic book in  Peru  make lives better for Americans?

$2.5 million for electric vehicles in Vietnam?  $2million for sex changes in Guatemala, are you kidding me? More programs are listed below as to where  your tax dollars are being wasted, at the same time we have homeless veterans sleeping  on the Streets, while at the. same time we can fun $2million for   "LGBT Activism" in Guatemala. How much housing could that obtain for homeless on our Country's  streets? Do the US taxpayers have to solve the problems of every Country on Earth? 

How much money has been sent to the United States after the Sothern Hurricanes this year or to help rebuild, or after the Cailfornia wild fires to rebuild, or even after the Hawaii fires last year. I will go out on a limb here and say -0- dollars

This is just a partial list of some of the extremely questionable grants, but just keep paying those taxes. 

Sunday, January 26, 2025



There aren't any crimes that I can think of worse than murdering a Police Officer in the performance of their Duty. Our Legislature in their "infinite wisdom" abolished the Death Penalty for the murder of a Police Officer. You would think that they would have at the very least, passed Legislation mandating Life in prison with no possibility of Parole. Anyone with a shred of common sense might ask "what is the deterrent to murdering a Police Officer or Correction Officer if you are already facing life in Prison. The answer is simple, even to a Brain-Dead Legislator, NONE.

Astonishingly, the murderer of Trooper Russel Bagshaw, Duane Johnson is up for Parole. Johnson  was in the middle of a Burglary on June 5, 1991 at a  gun store in Windham, when Trooper Bagshaw in the performance of his regular patrol came across the parasite on the community who shot and killed Trooper Bagshaw, ending the life of a promising Connecticut State Trooper.

This release should never be allowed to stand by the Parole Board. You can voice your concern by sending a letter or an e-mail to the Connecticut Parole Board by January 29th at BPP@ Ct.gov, or by mail at Board of Pardons and Parole, 55 West main Street, Waterbury, CT,  06702.

Parole hearing regarding inmate Duane Johnson, Inmate number 205961. Please note that in your correspondence as well as your objection to this potential travesty

Thursday, January 23, 2025


                                                             The White House

It seems somewhat ironic that President Donald J. Trump was inaugurated as America's 47th President on January 20, 2025, a day also celebrated as the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King jr..

It also seems ironic, that by an Executive Order signed by President Trump shortly after his swearing in, he may have granted one of MLK's wishes. 

In a Civil Rights speech delivered by Dr. King in Washington D.C. on August 28, 1963, he is quoted as saying the following;

 "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character."

President Donald J Trump is quite possibly making Kings dream a reality through one of his first Executive Orders that he enacted. President Trump suspended immediately all DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) in the Federal Government. This is part of President Trump's campaign pledge to return common sense to the US Government. All Federal DEI offices and employees were furloughed as of 5:00PM on January 22, 2025

This will probably turn out to be a hot button issue for the Trump Administration, but anyone who has taken a breath in the past ten years will know that President Trump does not shy away from his principles or character.

It is encouraging that we will now get back to hiring and promoting employees on the Federal Level based upon their character and  merit, rather than by race, gender or sexual preference or identity. All as Dr King wished in 1963.

Happy Birthday Doctor King.