Sunday, January 26, 2025



There aren't any crimes that I can think of worse than murdering a Police Officer in the performance of their Duty. Our Legislature in their "infinite wisdom" abolished the Death Penalty for the murder of a Police Officer. You would think that they would have at the very least, passed Legislation mandating Life in prison with no possibility of Parole. Anyone with a shred of common sense might ask "what is the deterrent to murdering a Police Officer or Correction Officer if you are already facing life in Prison. The answer is simple, even to a Brain-Dead Legislator, NONE.

Astonishingly, the murderer of Trooper Russel Bagshaw, Duane Johnson is up for Parole. Johnson  was in the middle of a Burglary on June 5, 1991 at a  gun store in Windham, when Trooper Bagshaw in the performance of his regular patrol came across the parasite on the community who shot and killed Trooper Bagshaw, ending the life of a promising Connecticut State Trooper.

This release should never be allowed to stand by the Parole Board. You can voice your concern by sending a letter or an e-mail to the Connecticut Parole Board by January 29th at BPP@, or by mail at Board of Pardons and Parole, 55 West main Street, Waterbury, CT,  06702.

Parole hearing regarding inmate Duane Johnson, Inmate number 205961. Please note that in your correspondence as well as your objection to this potential travesty