Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Susan McMullen
Director of Constituent Services
Faithful Perez Puppet

Enough has been posted over the last 24 hours about the Perez arrest, I'll eventually post my thoughts on that, but one of the claims outlined in the arrest warrant affidavit really caught my interest.

From an administration that consistently touts its claims of transparency, it was very interesting to read how the city created a phony and fraudulent e-mail address in the name of "Willie Nunez", which actually belonged to Perez. This was apparently created at the direction of Perez puppet Susan McMullen and used by Kelvin Roldan. The intent of this fraudulent e-mail address appears to be to avoid detection of e-mails directed to Eddie "Willie Nunez" Perez that may have been found through FOI requests.

The following excerpt are taken directly from the arrest warrant affidavit for Eddie Perez aka "Willie Nunez"

THAT Mark Wiles, former City of Hartford employee charged with administering email accounts, testified before the
Grand Jury. Wiles testified that he created the "Willie Nunez" email account on 02/24/2004. Wiles testified that the
"Willie Nunez" account belongs to Mayor Perez. Wiles testified that he used the fictitious name "Willie Nunez" to set up
the account at the request of Susan McMullan, a staff member of Mayor Perez's. Wiles testified that to his knowledge this
was the only fictitious account set up on the City of Hartford's email system. McMullan told Wiles that the purpose of the
account was for internal use as Mayor Perez's regular email account received a lot of emails.
THAT Kelvin Roldan, Special Assistant to the Mayor, acknowledged that the "Willie Nunez" email account belonged to Mayor Perez. Roldan was asked why he would forward something to the "Willie Nunez" account versus Mayor Perez'
regular email account. Roldan testified that he would send the item to the "Willie Nunez" account "if it's something that
is in front of me at the time, bearing some kind of importance that I think the Mayor should know, on a more quicker
fashion. "

This is another example of the Perez administration attempting to deceive the public through its underhanded and most likely criminal activities.It is even more bothersome that Kelvin Roldan is also a State Representative and apparently has no regard for FOI Statutes if these actions are any indication.

Roldan's actions as a Perez puppet have been well rewarded though. At Tuesday evenings post-arrest Board of Ed meeting, Roldan was approved as a full time permanent employee of the Board of Education at a $99,000.00 a year employee. Hiring freeze, what hiring freeze. It may cost a couple teachers their jobs to afford Roldan's salary, but at least the loyal puppets know they will be taken care of.

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