Wednesday, March 11, 2009


More on this as I can develop information, but I spoke with Dan Nolan by phone today to see if I could get a copy of the "internal investigation" that was used as justification to terminate him. Nolan stated that he has not seen or been offered the opportunity to review the report, nor has he been given any specific charges that were used to terminate him. Since the termination has been completed, the investigation for all intents and purposes is complete, and I have filed a Freedom of Information request to review the investigation and related documents. Nolan has not filed an intent to sue the city, so there is no legal reason to withhold the report under FOI laws, in fact Nolan welcomed me getting it and asked me to provide him with a copy when I get it. It makes me believe even more in Nolan's innocence, if he knew there would be damaging information in there , I don't think he would want me to see it.

I spoke with Human Resources Director Santiago Malave to get a copy of the report. He stated that the "investigation" report was done by the Corporation Counsel's Office and he didn't have it. This makes me wonder even more about the legitimacy of this termination. My first thought is that if City Attorney John Rose was in charge of the "investigation" , then of course it must be fair and impartial. I'm sure John Rose would stand his ground and tell Mayor Perez that he can not be influenced and would issue his report based on the facts he develops.

Ok, time to get off the floor and stop rolling around laughing,I know as well as most do, that John Rose's strings are being pulled by the master puppeteer at City Hall, the Dishonorable Mayor Eddie A. Perez. You have to laugh at this stuff or you will go crazy thinking about the lives that Perez has ruined. The only saving grace is to keep in mind a key lesson my parents always taught us- what goes around comes around and people like Perez will get their day. The dawn of Eddie's day has begun and I for one intend to follow it right through until that great sunset on the Perez Administration, when the next chapter begins in Somers for King Eddie and his cast of characters.

The next court date for the Dishonorable Mayor Eddie A. Perez is scheduled for March 19, 2009 at 101 Lafayette Street, Hartford at 10:00am. Feel free to join me there.


  1. Nolan was dishonest. You should get all of the facts before you print your tripe.

  2. Actually, it is the city that is being dishonest. Dan will get his hearing. The good thing is that Eddie Perez will not be making the decision on Dan's fate. The labor board will.
