Sunday, June 14, 2009


On Wednesday June 10, 2009 I received a tip from a very reliable source that the dishonorable Mayor Eddie A. Perez and Hartford COO Lee Erdmann had a "major falling out". Since we all know how King Eddie handles those who choose to disagree with him, it came as no surprise when the release came out late Friday that Erdmann was "retiring" from his postion. I am sure that over the next few days that the reasons behind this sudden "retirement" will come to light.

Maybe with the King's motion to dismiss being denied, Erdmann sees the seriousness of the situation and chooses to exit the building before the next "perp" walk begins. I'm sure it won't be pleasant when Boyle and Sullivan come visiting the next time. Hopefully Lee has steered clear of the criminal activity at City Hall, I'd hate to see that new house on the lake in Vermont going to waste.

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