Monday, August 31, 2009


Last Wednesday when I received a call that Matt Hennessey was given a substantial bonus upon leaving as Mayor Perez's Chief of Staff, I have to say I was surprised. But then again, nothing this corrupt administration does surprises me anymore. The caller informed me it was done through a process known as "ESI", exceptional service increments. The caller also suggested I look at who has received ESI's and that the awarding of ESI's was an easy way to get around the budget process and staying within the parameters of someone's salary range. An ESI can be given for up to 10% of a persons salary. Although, like I said, Hennessey's bonus surprised me, it surprised me even more that someone such as Perez who is under the magnifying glasses of both Federal and state investigators, he seems to not care who is watching. Even more, where is the outrage from both residents and the city's union leaders. Do the unions not realize that the layoffs and givebacks thay gave are helping to finance Hennessey's ESI? Was a $60,000 plus Harvard vacation not enough of a bonus for the Mayor's faithful Chief of Dirty Tricks? A Harvard vacation that we now have only seen barely a years worth of the benefits from since Hennessey is leaving.

Although Hennessey's ESI surprised me, the other names on the list were even more surprising. THE LIST OF RECENT ESI RECIPIENTS IS ATTACHED BELOW .At the top of the list is the City Auditor, H. Patrick Campbell at $10,097.50. It soemwhat bothers me that the person entrusted with locating waste in City Goverment would take a "bonus" above and beyond his $100,000 plus a year salary. Maybe an audit of ESI use is needed to expose the waste for people that are already being paid to do a job. Next is James Keaney, from the Mayor's Office. Since Keaney was given an ESI of $18,172.98, this would indicate his base salary is currently $181,729.80, since the ESI maximum can be 10% of his salary. This is in addition to his luxury SUV Ford Explorer with the heated leather seats that is provided to him as his city vehicle to commute back and forth to his home in Cheshire. Another notable ESI is the $10,096.08 provided to Deputy Corporation Counsel Carl Nasto, most likely for his consistency in his "exceptional" legal opinions from him and his boss John Rose. It pays to always decide in the Mayor's favor I guess. The second largest ESI on the list was to Mark McGovern, who filled in as "acting" Director of Economic Develeopment. McGovern's ESI was $16,000, and although it may have been justified compensation for the extra work he did while "acting", it would seem to be above the 10% allowed , unless he is actually making $160,000 a year in salary.

And while the Police Union was attempting to work with Perez on givebacks,(which Perez rejected) at least two members of the Police Department were moving in the other direction. Deputy Chief Paul Hammick and Deputy Chief John Horvath each received ESI's of over $4200.00.

And a little quiz to see who's paying attention.As you look down the list of ESI's given out, see how many Democratic Town Committe members you can identify off the list.




  1. I'm not necessarily questioning this list, but I wonder how readers are supposed to trust this kind of information in general when sources are not credited. I can understand why there may be times when sources should remain unnamed, but when this practice is the norm it seems more like rumors than substantiated facts.

  2. Valid point. As you can see from the top of the document it is a printout from the City of Hartford's main software program called "Munis". The document was obtained through an FOI request submitted to the City last week and provided to me today by Human Resources Director Santiago Malave

  3. I saw Perez on the news tonight saying he is not going to resign. The man is in total denial. I believe he was offered a deal and I really believe he is going to regret not taking it. Mr.Brookman, you are doing such a great job with your blog. Please keep on top of this story. There needs to be a lot more accountability in the City of Hartford.

  4. Very sad what is happening to Hartford and curious why the state is so hands off? As the capital city of Connecticut, shouldn't the city be given more attention? Twenty murders in Hartford with a population of only 150K, this would be equal to one thousand murders in NYC in the first half of this year. Can anyone tell me why more people are not treating this extremely high murder rate as an outrage? And people in City Hall are accepting a bonus based on such poor job performance?
