Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Tonight I received an "anonymous" phone call and then the comment from "citizen" on my recent posting regarding the Hartford Fire Department. The female caller made threats and accusations, the same as in the posting from "citizen". She accused me of writing only about minorities and trying to make minorities look bad. To the best of my knowledge the only minority I can definitely say I have written about was John Thomas, and the reason I know that is because I have seen his mugshot from his arrest after he ran a pedestrian down in the street. I can also confirm that yes, Dan Nolan is white, because I have met him in person. As for Henry Biffle, Gregory Simon or Dion Hightower, I wouldn't know them if I saw them, and the facts speak for themselves, no matter what race they are. When I asked the "anonymous" caller if she knew their races, she said yes, I asked her how and she said she "just knew". I then asked her which one of the firefighter's I wrote about she was related to, and she replied "I don't have to tell you that". It is easy to throw around the term "racist" when you have nothing else to stand on, but I think the facts and documents speak for themselves. As I told the spineless, I mean "anonymous" caller, if she had names to give me, I would look into anything that people give me. If the circumstances regarding Dan Nolan had painted a different picture, unfavorable to him, I would have posted that here also, Lowering standards for the hiring of firefighters is not a matter of racism, it is a matter of Public Safety. If the cowardly caller, I mean "anonymous" caller, is in fact related to a firefighter, I would think that you would want to know that the rest of the firefighters in a burning building behind your loved one are the best qualified and best trained persons for the job and not the one who made the best overture to a politician or city official to get a job.

After tonight, I will no longer take blocked calls, so if you are a coward, don't waste your time. I stand behind everything I say, grow a backbone and try doing the same. And anytime you want to pass along information, feel free.


  1. Something I've learned during my life. Only racist bring up race. If you don't care what race someone is the concept will never even enter your head.

  2. Thanks for your comment, you said it much more concise than I could. Let's get beyond everything being blamed on race and let's do what is right for our neighborhoods and the city instead. This "divide and conquer" mentality splitting us along racial lines is what has held our city back, and will continue to as long as we allow it and as long as others throw it up as an excuse.

    Thanks again

  3. The truth is Kevin that these people don't like being EXPOSED. You are doing a great job of keeping the public informed. Keep up the good work!
