Thursday, September 3, 2009


In a press release issued earlier today, former Republican, now Democrat ,J. Stan McCauley (and Republican Mayoral candidate in 2007), called for the resignation of twice arrested (so far) Eddie A. Perez. The press release is below. In an interview today on WDRC radio with Dan Lovallo, McCauley repeated that he is publicly calling for Perez's resignation. McCauley is holding a family day rally next Saturday at the San Juan Center on Main Street from 1pm until 4pm. McCauley stated that he will have an inportant announcement to make that day regarding the future of Hartford. I can only guess what that might be.


COO and Founder of The Access TV
Organization, Inc.

In a statement released today J. Stan McCauley stated "The City of Hartford is in a grave state of emergency and confusion. The latest developments regarding the Mayor's alleged improprieties which have resulted in multiple criminal indictments has wounded this city and its people. The people of the City of Hartford are without elected and trusted leadership from the very office that is responsible of these grave discrepancies and alleged illegal activities. Hartford deserves better at a time when great restraint and political maturity should be exacted by the Office of the Mayor."

This statement is not meant to infer anything as to the guilt or innocence of the presently sitting Mayor but it is made to bring responsible and immediate remedy to an atmosphere of confusion and distrust as to how the people and the affairs of this city are being administered by its highest elected official.

It is neither my desire nor that of those that care about this community, that the people in this confused and administratively impaired community start to vote with their feet by leaving. And for these reasons and the resulting damage, Mayor Eddie Perez needs to step down. The Mayor is not a King, he was elected by the people to do a job. He is subject to the same standards of public responsibility and scrutiny that any of our public servants, be they police, fire or otherwise are governed by. If any one of these trusted employees of this city were charged, indicted, arrested and or were facing trial, they most certainly would be placed on administrative leave or at worst, fired. The Mayor should be held to a higher standard because of his position and therefore he needs to, for the good of the city, step down immediately.

The Mayor himself has said that hundreds of people have been affected by these developments surrounding his arrest and the charges stemming there from. So step down Mr. Mayor. You are not a King. You are a servant. Do what a true public servant would do step down at this time and demonstrate how true service is exacted by a true servant. Public service is a job that needs to be carried out without the weight of criminal prosecution concerning allegations of impropriety in carrying out the functions for which he, the Mayor was elected to do.

My calling for the Mayor to step down has nothing to do with guilt or innocence, that is a concern for the trier of fact, whether judge or jury. Allegations have been made, a grand jury has investigated and an arrest warrant has been signed by a sitting judge. By its very legal nature, the warrant had to contain enough probable cause for a judge to have signed and issued it. The Mayor needs to step down, not only because there are many critical issues facing the people of Hartford but also because Hartford needs to become the great city it can be.

I invite the community to join me on September 12, 2009 between the hours of 1pm and 4pm at the Family First Cookout and Rally at the San Juan Center Sports Arena Parking Lot, rain or shine at the corner of Main and Pleasant Streets in Downtown Hartford. It is there among the people Hartford that I will make a public statement about what needs to happen for our city. Family day is the day where we can begin anew for the good of the city and more importantly for the children of the City which is the future of our Hartford.

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