Monday, November 23, 2009


Hartford Fire Department Deputy Chief Dan Nolan was scheduled to begin his mediation hearings today before the State Labor Board. Although opening statements were made by both side, that is about as far as it got before being recessed until December 11, 2009.

In an ironic twist, the City of Hartford's star witness was not available to testify at the hearing. Assistant Chief Parker was injured at home over the weekend and was unable to attend. The veteran firefighter apparently fell off a step ladder at his West Hartford home.

I know we keep hearing our Mayor say that "justice delayed is justice denied" as he faces his criminal charges. Does the same thinking apply to Nolan's charges?


  1. Sources close to the star witness further confirmed that while Parker was on the bottom rung of the stepladder, the injury occurred because Eddie Perez still had his dick in Parker's ass.

  2. Luckily Perez was unharmed due to the unusually small size of his penis.

  3. Because Hartford's legal strategy is not based on truth, concern for the city, and total disregard to it's taxpayers it's only recourse is to delay for as long as possible to pay far more in the end.

  4. You've got to be kidding me!!! A veteran firefighter falls off a ladder? A postal carrier, sure. A doctor, maybe. But a firefighter?? Ridiculous!

  5. I agree with Matt. This is a delay tactic. Is the city going to have another excuse for not going forward on Dec. 11th?

  6. I agree with Matt. I think this is a delay tactic. Is the city going to have another excuse for not going forward on Dec 11th?

  7. The city is dragging their feet because they know they don't have a case against Nolan. The so called "investigation" that led to Nolan's termination lasted 10 months. I hope that you will FOI the findings of the Labor board on this case and post them on your blog. It should be some interesting reading.
