Monday, January 11, 2010


No, not about Sean Arena and his brother Ralph and the thousands of dollars they have apparently beat Hartford out of.

Rather, the posting regarding the documents that someone(I referred to them as spineless) had sent to the Courant. The documents appeared to show that I was not paying personal property taxes for my business office, even though I haven't had an office at the address listed for several years.

I referred to the "source" of the documents as "spineless". I still feel they are because it is easy to sling allegations anonymously with out doing any checking to verify the accuracy of the documents. The person who provided the documents, who I won't name here, had every resource available to verify the documents and chose not to.They most likely knew they were wrong and hoped the Courant would just run with them without any verification

In retrospect, I wouldn't be writing on this blog if it weren't for my "sources" who provide me with information and documents. In looking back, the last thing I would call any of my sources is spineless.Sources providing me with information are actually some of the bravest people I know. They risk their careers and livelihoods by contacting me and giving me the information they do. In this era of corruption at Hartford City Hall, they all know that by contacting me, they essentially could be out of a job tomorrow.

It all comes down to the trust factor and my sources know I will protect their identity and their information at all costs. Hopefully that is why people take the risk to talk to me and forward the information they do.

Although my aggravation in that posting was directed toward those trying to "kill the messenger" and deflect attention away from the Arena's, some felt that it was also directed toward Steve Goode from the Courant.

I whole heartedly apologize to Steve Goode if that was taken as my intent. Although I only met Steve in person today, I have nothing but the highest regards for the way he handled the situation. He was extremely fair. He could have posted the documents on their face value, but he chose not to. He contacted me and then went to City Hall to try to get the full story. Only after he did that and then contacted me again, did he finally post what he found.

Both Steve Goode and Helen Ubinas from the Courant were fair in their analysis last week, and again I apologize to them if they felt any of this was directed towards them.

It is hard to make sense out of a lot of the nonsense that comes out of Hartford politics. All of the back and forth and trying to deflect attention away from their actions by coming after me shows the desperate nature of Hartford's "leaders". But, I guess when you are potentially committing criminal acts, you will become desperate when you face exposure.

Besides, due to the coverage of Helen and Steve and their links to "We the People", the blog had its best week in traffic since I put the information up first regarding the Mayor's second impending arrest. Almost 2500 people clicked on "cityline" and "notes from Hel" in four days to read the blog. Since I am trying not to aggravate anyone more, I won't say which blog was more popular in their links.

Again, I apologize to any of the "good guys" who took this the wrong way, and to the subjects who actually took offense because I exposed their activities, I stand by what I say 100%.

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