Wednesday, January 13, 2010


After last weeks revelation that Hartford Democratic Town Chairperson Sean Arena and his brother Ralph Arena may have been beating Hartford's high taxes by registering their cars in New Canaan, a storm of denials by Arena erupted.

Arena even went so far as trying to justify the claim by saying one of the vehicles was his mother's.

Apparently those claims didn't hold up, because as of today the Hartford Tax Collectors online lookup service lists the Arena's vehicles as now being taxed in Hartford, dating back to at least 2006. More entry's are expected as the research by the Assessor and Tax Collector continues.

According to the Tax Collector's information, the taxes due Hartford amounts to several thousand dollars, and as of this date does not include interest and penalties which will add potentially several thousand dollars more.

Sean Arena's 2006, 2007 and 2008 Motor Vehicle taxes, less penalty and interest =$3183.35 owed to Hartford so far.

Ralph Arena's 2006, 2007 and 2008 Motor Vehicle taxes, less penalty and interest = $2162.92 owed to Hartford so far.


  1. The authorities will be interested in this cheating....and not the harford cops...its time this nest of corruption was cleaned out.

  2. You defiantly don't want to go to the Hartford cops. Since the Mayor has complete say over the hiring and firing of the Chief with zero city council input the department works directly for Eddie.
