Tuesday, February 2, 2010


The level of corruption in Hartford City Hall seems to rise to new heights daily, some would say hourly.

Numerous examples are coming to light on a regular basis. Whether it is apparently fraudulent petitions or tax scams or cash thefts from the Tax Collector's office, most people aren't surprised when the next corrupt activity is documented.

For most people, myself included, we shake our heads and ask if this administration has no shame? Do they not realize that just about everyone is watching their activities?

Of course none of these corrupt activities happen in a vacuum, and what happens to those individuals that finally decide that enough is enough? What happens to the Lee Erdmann's, the Chief Teale's, and others? Is a "retirement" really a retirement, or a way to exit gracefully when you reach your limit?

One such example is Hartford Police Officer Hector Robles. Officer Robles took an interest in politics from an early age, interning at the Connecticut State Capitol, before becoming a police officer, and getting a taste for democracy.

Robles, one of the few Hartford Police officers that actually resides in Hartford, took an interest in local politics and became a member of the Hartford Democratic Town Committee. During that time, several sources told me that he was supportive of the Perez administration and towed the "party line".

In November of 2008, Robles ran for the legislative seat open in the 6th District and won a spot in the Connecticut House of Representatives. He was sworn in as a freshman legislator in January 2009.

Everything seemed to go well and Robles introduced legislation that benefited Hartford and its residents that included a bill to reduce "speed-racers" on Hartford streets. Robles remained in his position as a Community Service Officer (CSO) for the South Meadows area of the city.

According to sources, Robles began to drift away from the influence of the Perez Administration and began to remain more independent. This independence did not come without a price.

With little explanation, Robles was removed from his CSO position in late 2009. The CSO positions are highly coveted positions by many officers. Robles's area was an area heavily populated by commercial and industrial businesses. Several business people I have spoke with had no complaints regarding Robles's performance as their CSO.

After being removed from his CSO position, Robles was assigned back to the patrol division, working days in a marked cruiser.

In early January 2010, apparently it came to light that Robles and other members of the 6th District Democratic Town Committee did not intend to support Democratic Town Chairman Sean Arena for his re-election bid this coming March.

Apparently as a result, Officer Robles was again transferred, unwillingly from what I have been told, to the midnight shift. When Robles was told he was again being transferred, he didn't argue, but instead requested to be assigned to "Teleserv" the name given to the HPD front desk.

Well, I guess aggravating this administration and refusing to be a puppet has its consequences.

No front desk for Robles, instead he was assigned to the "relief" squad on midnights.
The relief squad is usually given to officers lowest in seniority, which Officer Robles is far from that level. The relief squad means that the officer has no assigned area or car, but rather fills in for other officers on their days off or vacations, sick days, etc.

If anyone has any questions as to how they can do this to a veteran officer protected by a union, I asked the same question. Apparently, according to sources, Hartford Corporation Counsel John Rose issued an opinion that they could.

HPD Chief Daryl Roberts and HPD Union President Richard Rodriguez did not return my calls for comment.

In the meantime, Officer Robles continues to serve the city, working midnights where he has been assigned. Although he probably does sleep better than others that didn't maintain their independence and lay awake at night waiting for the next shoe to drop in an ever increasingly corrupt operation.

And to other city employees, you have to ask at what price you continue to support corruption, and will it be your job next.


  1. Yes they can move anyone around. Union contract page 17, 4th paragraph...

    "There shall be a Bid Shift system designating work schedules..... This system deals with the hours of work within the affected Divisions and/or Bureau(s) and does not impact upon management's right to transfer employees if such changes are deemed by the Chief of Police or his designee to be in the best interest of the employee or of the Police Department."

    The question I want to know is why is this in the police department's best interest? With at least 150 cops under Officer Robles they have a lot of explaining to do as to why they picked him for that rookie assignment. Here comes another tax paid for lawsuit because the Mayor is doing whatever he feels like.

    Don't bother asking the PD they work for Eddie. Just another reason why the City's Department Heads need to be selected and replaced by city council and not one power hungry Mayor.

  2. they moved Robles around because he was sick of all the corruption and wasnt supporting Mayor Perez's proprty tax cheating henchman,Sean Arena for democratic party chair.When Mayor Perez is in the slammer in a few months I hope Mayor Segarra will call Chief Roberts and ask him to rescind that very unfair transfer.

  3. Mayor Segarra won't even have to call the Chief because as soon as the Chief's douche bag boss is in prison he will do the right thing.

  4. Yeah but it's a shame the chief doesn't have enough backbone to do the right thing now. Kind of like the ex-Fire Chief Teale, did he get some secret retirement bonus from the Corrupt Mayor that we have yet to learn about. We're counting on you Kevin, if it's there you'll find it. Keep up the good work.

  5. Robles is only being disrespected for going against the Mayor. he has honored everyword when he was sworn in as a police officer & a hartford delegate. keep up the good work hector

  6. Officer Robles has been a big help to the Hartford people and there are times we couls have used his help after midnight in the past. So this may benefit some of us--and remember, what goes around comes around.

  7. to post above.. I agree he's a good person but you mean to tell me you needed him specifically after midnight? No other cop could assist you but Officer Robles?

    As much as he's liked and needed don't forget he put in his time and worked hard to be a CSO on days. I'm sure his family enjoyed having him home for dinner more than you need him on midnights.

  8. This is nothing. You should see how they operate in the Health Dept. People are given promotions because they serve coffe and meals to the director. Did I forget that they happen to be the daughter in law of a political icon? It happens all around the City, especially those in the "chosen" class.

  9. What Happen to Robles happen to the young man who ran for mayor who worked for Perez it sound that these people use the same techniques and pattern. chief roberts a fake Minister at his church. How can a person that serves as minister in his church allow this to happen. Just like that "BTK Killer" Hide behind the church. I see Roberts the same way kills people dreams, the integrality of the police department, and the believe that those how serve god have good values. Robert is a Serial Killer
