Thursday, February 25, 2010


For those that want to watch both corruption and incompetence at its best, tomorrow's hearing and expected decision on the Democratic Town Committee 5th District petition issue has been moved from 2:00PM to 10:00AM at 95 Washington Street in Hartford.


After watching Hartford Corporation Counsel John Rose's performance, I have to seriously ask if we are getting our money's worth out of him. From what I have seen so far I have to answer a definite no. At some points he seemed to be making the case for the other side, rather than defending his side. Although I'm not sure if he knows who "his side" really is. Is he representing the city or the Democratic Town Committee Chairman in his effort to retain control.

I do have to say though, it is a tough job considering what he has to work with.

A Democratic Deputy Registrar who apparently thinks he knows more about the law than the legal staff at the Secretary of the State's office. A deputy Registrar that apparently thinks that "Gary's Law" super cedes state statutes.

And lets not forget the Democratic Registrar who is a candidate for a position in the same election she is over-seeing. Did she handle the documents in question and advise her Deputy how to proceed? Well.... yes, I mean no, well maybe I did your honor, no, I meant no, definitely not, but now that you mention it, I don't recall.

Oh, and that 2004 Elections Enforcement Complaint for the same behavior in question, did you learn from that ? What 2004 complaint, I don't recall any complaint. Oh , that paper, yes that is my signature on there, but I don't recall the complaint or any fine. Oh yes your honor,now that you ask, it is starting to come back to me, now.

I do think it might be time for an FOI request for John Rose's law license, I'm wondering if he really is an attorney. I'm starting to think he may have just played one on TV at some point.

Reminiscent of President Bush after Katrina with his FEMA director, I just want to walk up to John Rose tomorrow in court, pat him on the back and just say "You are doing a heck of a job Rosie"


  1. "ring around the rosie" what a *** hopefully he would be dismissed as head of corp. counsel & someone would replace him that can actually save the city $$ not give it away because he has such an ego problem. & as for olga she should just dig a hole & stick her head in it. she should be asshame

  2. I don't know what's more appalling the level of ignorance or the level of agorance. But combined, it's lethal to the City.
