Tuesday, March 30, 2010


I guess some people never learn, and really don't care who is watching.

For those that follow the blog, you are well aware of the ongoing "Sasha Show" saga and the heavy handed tactics of Hartford Public Access Television Executive Director Billie Scruse. But, as I have said many times about the Perez Administration, Billie Scruse is now also becoming a "gift that keeps on giving" when it comes to blog entries.

For those that need to get up to speed about the controversy regarding Sasha Hunter and the "Sasha Show", here is the original posting, click here,"Billie Scruse puts the screws to the Sasha Show"

I would think that after arbitrarily suspending Sasha's program and the uproar over it, any sane person would tread lightly on future actions. Not Billie Scruse though, apparently with her a vendetta is a vendetta, pure and simple.

At the producers meeting held on Monday March 15, 2010, Sasha Hunter attended and completed the request for "time slots" for her upcoming season of programs. I was also in attendance and saw her filling out forms and then saw her hand them to Scruse and her assistant at the meeting, HPATV employee Joe Hilliman. I can't swear as to what was on the forms, but she did hand completed forms to Scruse.

Now, in what comes down to incompetency at the very least and insanity at the worst, Scruse has apparently "lost" the forms that Sasha Hunter turned in. The end result in Scruse's eyes is that Hunter is off the air for another season. The schedule has already been made so , sorry Sasha, you're out for another three months.

From what I have seen of Scruse's operation, both the incompetency theory and the insanity defense might apply, but to refuse to correct the situation is inexcusable. There are plenty of open time slots that the "Sasha Show" could be inserted into. But I think Scruse figures she can do whatever she wants without any repercussions.

Sorry Billie, wrong again. Section 16-331a of the Connecticut General Statutes, as well as other Federal Statutes govern the operations of Public Access Television operations. Section (g) of the state statutes should be something Scruse might want to memorize "(g) No organization or company providing community access operations shall exercise editorial control over such programming, except as to programming that is obscene and except as otherwise allowed by applicable state and federal law.

Scruse's actions might be considered obscene by some, but Sasha's show definitely is not.

Where is the Board of Director's, are they oblivious to what is happening?

I would expect more from an organization whose middle name is "PUBLIC"


  1. Scruse and the Board of Directors are a disgrace....hopefully they will crawl under the rock where they came from and go away.

  2. Billie Billie why? How can you.

  3. The Sasha Show Sucks she is a nasty girl, i saw here on a you tube dancing half naked west indian social club
