Monday, March 1, 2010


In a court case that may have most people confused, John Rose made it clear to everyone in the courtroom today what actually happened. In his testimony before Judge Peck, John Rose stated on the record that "the Registrar blew it".


The legal wrangling continued in Hartford Superior Court this afternoon. The first order of business was Judge Peck issuing her decision. In her decision, Judge Peck agreed with the plaintiffs that the petitions were "improperly validated and certified by the Democratic Registrar of Voters, or the Deputy Registrar of Voters, acting on her behalf in violation of General Statutes 9-410(c) and should have been rejected. Judge Peck went on to further order that "these candidates be removed from the ballot".

That decision seems pretty clear as to the Judge's intent. Since the decision was over 32 pages, I only paid for the last page with the Judge's orders and signature, you can view that below.
Judge Pecks Decision-last Page

After the Judge's order was released, Rosie once again began his legal gamesmanship at the taxpayers expense.

Rose filed a motion for a stay, which means the Judges decision would be held off until Rose can appeal to a higher court. In typical John Rose fashion, his arguments before Judge Peck were more confusing than clarifying. He stood before the Judge and stated that essentially "the Registrar blew it".

Ok, Rosie, I think we all agree on that point,Olga blew it, so let's end this nonsense and go home.

Nope. Rose went on to state on the record that even though the Registrar "blew it", the City of Hartford wouldn't be harmed. But, his concern was that "if you deny this motion, they are dead, they are done" in referring to the Giles slate. Ok, Rosie who are you representing? The City of Hartford who will suffer no harm or the Giles slate?

Judge Peck then admonished Rosie that she was obligated to sit there and listen to his arguments but that any argument based on the merits of the case "is not your strongest suit".

Again even though the City won't be harmed because the Registrar "blew it" Rose showed his concern for the Giles slate. Rose stated on the record "the city won't be harmed these people will be murdered at the polls tomorrow" in referring to the Giles slate.

I'm still not sure about his concern for the Giles slate, and why the City of Hartford's attorney is apparently representing a political slate. I would think if the Giles slate felt aggrieved because the Registrar "blew it", they would hire their own attorney to fight for their rights, the same as the Kirkley-Bey slate did when they realized that Democratic Registrar Olga Vazquez "blew it".

As it stands now, since Rosie filed his appeal before 5:00PM, the election will go on as planned tomorrow. In the event the Kirkley-Bey slate wins, the whole matter will be a dead issue. If the Giles slate should by some chance prevail and Rosie's appeal fails, the Giles slate would then be removed in compliance with the Judge's order and the Kirkley-Bey slate would win.

Although questions are being answered slowly but surely about Olga Vazquez's apparent illegal activities, one big question still remains for me. Even after John Rose admitted in open court that the Registrar Vazquez was wrong and she "blew it", why are we spending one penny of taxpayer money to appeal.

Maybe it is time for the taxpayers to file a suit against Vazquez and Rose to recover our money spent to defend their incompetence


  1. This isn't looking so good. Time to call in all my out of town voters. Carlos Lopez, did you change your number I keep getting an "out of service" message?

  2. This whole scenario is so far fetched you couldn't possibly make it up; it's definitely theatre of the absurd.

  3. I dont understand why did the judge let the election go foward? it look clear to me giles team should not be in an election. or did judge peck feel sorry for rosie because he lost so much $$$$$this week in court that belongs to hard tax paying residents. shameful .... olga you are such an dumb a ****

  4. I think if it was only Judge Peck's decision, this would be a done deal, the Giles slate would be finished and that would be the end of it. Luckily for team Giles, Rosie know's how to play the Judicial system as well as Olga know's how to play the radio.

    For Rosie, he knows how to stall and spend our money, but sadly , he hardly ever wins in the end and we foot the bill.

    If only he could represent Eddie in court at his trial, we could rest assured that we would be getting a new Mayor in May.
