Thursday, March 18, 2010


Apparently the leaders of all of Hartford's City Labor unions have been summoned to a 4:00PM meeting today at Hartford City Hall.

Due to the City of Hartford's poor budget outlook, Mayor Perez is calling on the unions to once again do their part in closing the budget "gap".

This might be a harder sell to the unions this year considering last years givebacks seemed to go right out the back door of City Hall through ESI bonuses to the Mayor's cronies and trips on the backs of laid off city employees.

These should be some interesting negotiations.

Maybe Perez can lead by example and start by cutting positions in his office.


  1. Mayor Perez continues to have a larger staff then the Governor and needs a driver for his 10 minute drive from his home to City Hall....the cuts can start there...In any event he will either be gone soon,by way of a plea bargain or he will be rolling the dice at trial...the prospects of an oversight Board within 3-6 months looms large.

  2. Knowing Eddie and his arrogance, he will roll the dice.

  3. He should let Rosie go, man would that ever save a lot of $$$$

  4. In addition to the political appointees, there are many union and non-union high level managerial positions that could be cut. In addtion to the actual salaries, fringe benefit rates are approximately 46%. You should FOIA the org charts for each city department,agency, and/or commission. You will see many managers (Administrative Operations Managers, Senior Project Managers, Project Managers, etc.) and not a lot of actual workers.
