Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Well, after the court battles, State Central interventions and the recounts, the only thing missing in Hartford's Democratic Town Committee Chairpersons race was an exorcist.

The recount ordered by Democratic State Central was held tonight and by one vote, Jean Holloway won the seat. A couple of people that supported Arena the first time around switched over to Holloway and vice versa. Most observers agree that the deciding "vote" was actually no vote at all. Hector Robles, the 6th District State Representative and town committee member actually abstained when the vote was called.

His vote, if cast for Arena, would have tied the vote, essentially leaving the race where it was when Ramon Arroyo cast his second vote, resulting in the ordered re-vote.

Now it is time to see what Jean is able to do with the position. She has been rather silent since the night of the first election. I tend to say what is on my mind, and Jean knows that and she also reads the blog regularly.

The nonsense that has nearly driven Hartford over the edge into political irrelevance needs to stop. People wheeling and dealing for what is best for them rather than what is best for Hartford needs to come to a stop immediately. Holloway needs to set a tone and set it fast.

The days of cronyism and nepotism need to end. The days of people thinking they deserve a nomination strictly because of who they are or who they know needs to end. Rather, political office holders need to be asked " what have you done to make Hartford a better place ?"

Jean, as Town Chair, will have a tough call to make in the next year as the nominations for Mayor start coming in. Since her boss on the Council is expected to run, who will she support?

Today was definitely a bad day for the Perez regime as he lost in court before Judge Dewey in the morning and he was essentially neutered politically in the evening. Can the end for politics as usual in Hartford be far off?

It all depends on Jean's leadership from this point on for the next two years. She hasn't received the best advice in her short and shaky start as Town Chair. Hopefully from this point on, she will feel more confident now that her position is official.

Will Hartford's destiny continue in the direction it is, and has been, going for the last 9 years, or will a new breed of leaders have the fortitude to step up and do what is right for the people of Hartford rather than what is right for themselves?


  1. you are definitely right about her tough decision coming of for the Mayor's nomination. I'm sure Ken Kennedy thinks it is his now that Holloway is Chair. I'm sure that the Town Committee and voters might have a different opinion.

    For Arena, hopefully he's packing up tonight to head back to New Canaan, the land of cheap motor vehicle taxes

  2. Are things finally starting to turn around for Hartford?

    Arena can now focus on smuggling cigarettes to Eddie soon.

  3. Ms Holloway has never publically said a word about the corruption in City Hall or the Mayor...she likes to whisper stuff about it in private to her friends,which is no way to instill much confidence.If she is serious about turning Hartford around then she lost a golden opportunity when she won as her speech was mundane,citing the usual platitudes without any reference to the corruption in Hartford.She hasnt started off well and with her braintrust of DiBella,Wadkins,Carbone,Page,Gonzalez and convicted felon Mamie Bell I dont really see much difference between Arena and her.We now know that the DiBella's now own the MDC,the Town Chair, most of the districts,Fonfara and they will be formidable.

  4. I wish Jean Holloway the all best as the new chair of HDTC. However, I have some reservations on how being the chair of a body that nominates the city council and mayor, and being employed as a council assistant square those 2 positions. It may not be illegal, but it appears unethical, when a political boss directely reports to a council person. Kevin has been screaming corruption, does this not seem unethical? Can the coucil person decipline the chairwoman of the HDTC? Would he not be afraid that he might not receive her vote or that she may work against him for mayor. Just a thought!

  5. Hey Bruce - I see your idea of the "braintrust" got creatively larger, but why did you drop poor old John?

  6. It is a little tiring to keep hearing about the dirty deals and who did what for who.

    Hopefully now that Arena is done and Holloway is in, a new era will begin and it is up to Jean to get it started.

    The vote is official, it really doesn't matter who did what at this point unless we are going to continue with the dirty back door style of politics used by Perez and Arena.

    Lets focus on what's best for Hartford and supporting the next Mayor in the very difficult job of turning Hartford around.

    It is Jean Holloway's move now.

  7. All the corruption that hartford taxpayers have to pay for continues now you have very old women and very old men.Hopefully someone with A Brain will continue to lead the school system as it seems to headed in the right direction.Something that has taken a very long time regardless of who has been the Mayor orSuperintendent.
