Tuesday, April 20, 2010


We usually record the "1HARTFORD" program on Thursday mornings.
This week though we will be recording tonight. Our guest this week is Dan Malloy, former Stamford Mayor and candidate for Governor. In order to accommodate his schedule we are doing the program tonight.

It should be an interesting program. I have to say, not knowing much about Malloy before I started doing my research on him, I'm impressed.

One of 8 children who was at one point referred to as "retarded" due to learning disabilities, and rose above his disabilities to become an attorney. He eventually became the Assistant District Attorney in Brooklyn, New York with an impressive record. He returned to Stamford, his hometown, in 1995 and was elected Mayor by a landslide.

At that time, Stamford was very close to what Hartford is today, less the corruption.
Out of control crime, businesses and resident's fleeing, a depressed city sliding backwards. Malloy and his team were able to reduce crime by 64% and eventually was rated one of the 10 safest cities in America.

As impressed as I am, it's not a propaganda program for him. We will be asking some tough questions about why he should be our next Governor.

Be sure to watch the program here when it is uploaded.


  1. Wow, I really liked what Dan Malloy had to say and how he presented himself. Refreshing to see what a real Mayor looks like.

  2. I will not vote for a City mayor
    to be our next governor.
