Thursday, May 13, 2010


Today has been one of those days that I wondered why I was getting so many e-mails forwarded to me from the "rJo Winch Campaign". Once I finally opened one of the e-mails I got my chuckle for the day.

rJo Winch is running for State "Reprasentative". Sorry spell check, I have to hit ignore. I'm not trying to be petty in pointing out her misspelling. Luckily, spelling has always been a strong point of mine, but even then, there is spell check.

I am a firm believer that if you choose to run for an office, the first step should be to be able to actually spell the name of the office.

It proves that old adage that you are only as good as the people you surround yourself with, and she might want to surround herself with a proficient "speller".

Hopefully the lawn signs for "Winch for State Reprasentative"haven't been ordered, that could prove expensive.

And a little bit of marketing advice, a website address should be short and easy to find and easy to remember. I can assure you no one will remember that long of an web address and then enter it correctly.

For Ken Krayeske's take on the e-mail, check out his blog, the 40 year plan.


  1. This is really funny. The spelling and then the domain name. I'm speechless. Even this blog's posting has spell check.

  2. Maybe a State "Reprasentative" is a new position Eddie created.

  3. Jeff, that was funny LOL

  4. OMG. Literacy is a gift. Don't blame rJo or her "ass is tent". Probably both went to Hartford "pub ic " schools. Have y'all heard of "Chef verses O' Nile"? If you haven't, may I suggest you look it up in the "lie berry" or on the "intranut". P.S. Was this e-mail sent out on the city's e-mail server???

  5. Making fun of people who are special ed is "reprahensable".

  6. It is not the spelling that shocked me, but the domain name. What was they thinking when they registered that domain name. This has to be the worst domain name in the word. Rule number one of Domain name's make it simple and short so the people can remember your site's name. Here is her domain name.

  7. Are you all really shocked by this? Look how she spells her first name.

  8. Here is the 101 Domain name.

    1. If you have to write down your domain name for someone to understand it, it's probably not a good choice.

    2. Domain name should very short.

    3. If you tell someone your domain name and they say oops I have to write it down. That is sign it is wrong name.

    4. You should never have .(dot) in the middle of your domain name.

  9. Guys, the spelling is right "Repräsentative" that is how they spell in Germäny. For those of us who know little Germäny we understood her. This is not joke, I'm serious go try in Google Transläte.

  10. Well, she can go run for office in Germany.

  11. Well, she was in the military afterall. Perhaps she had been stationed in Deutschland. Even so, she is still a dumkompf and b/c she is down with Eddie, she's a scheisskopf.

  12. LOL. I thought "spanglish" was Hartford's second language.

  13. Her slogan "for the people,by the people, of the people" means that she is supporting a corrrupt mayor for the people, by any means by the people, using all of the people. Now she want to take that blind following of a corrupt mayor to all of the of the state residents. What a joke!
