Thursday, June 10, 2010



I know you haven't had the best track record the last few years, you know what I mean, Michael Skakel, Michael Ross and the rest. Now to be stuck with this Perez case, I know it's tough and in this economy a job's a job.

No one can fault you on this one because you are almost guarunteed to get paid by the City if you bill quick enough. I suggest the day the jury goes into deliberation quickly hand deliver the invoice to Susan McMullen for Eddie's legal fees. Hopefully she can "walk the invoice through" for quick payment like they did with Carlos Costa's invoices for Park Street payments after he worked on the Mayor's home.

If you are lucky you can get to the bank before a jury verdict comes back and cash the check. Make it quick though because if Eddie is convicted they will probably stop payment on the check. You know how that works, when Eddie is found guilty he has to pay his own legal fees. And good luck with that one. If he had to run to the credit union after Inspector Sullivan left for a $25,000 loan to pay off Costa, your bill might be a little tough for Eddie.

I wish that "Dyslexia Defense" had gone better for you today. It was creative, I'll give you that, but it doesn't look like many people bought it. Is dyslexia something you can develop late in life, like diabetes? Now that could be another creative twist though if you could get another witness to testify to it like McMullen did. You could probably even find a doctor to testify to it.

Just think of it, as if this trial hasn't brought enough attention to Hartford, you could now be the first to identify the "Perez Syndrome". Adult onset of Dyslexia, blame it on bad air in City Hall, or maybe radio waves from "wireless Hartford" transmitters beaming out the "Gospel of Perez".

And Hubie, in case you don't recall, early on in this sad saga I suggested an insanity defense for Eddie. I think it is more believable as every day passes in this trial, let Hennessey finish his testimony and then I think getting Eddie to cop an insanity plea is a slam dunk.

Maybe he can still collect a pension if you can make the case it was work related.


  1. I often wonder if Eddie's first personal lawyer John Rose talked him into fighting this ridiculous uphill trial because if Eddie had taken the plea deal Mayor Segarra was probably replacing Rosie. At least with a trial Rosie has a chance at keeping his job.

    I can see it now, Eddie in his little jump suit pushing a book cart down cell block C saying to himself "that stupid a** lawyer told me we had my trial in the bag. Now I'm doing eight years instead of one."

  2. As someone who works for the city, I can tell you I have been in meetings with the mayor and his various assistants/handlers. In the meetings he has been presented with written reports/bullets/spreadsheets/e-mails/notes written on toilet paper or whatever... I can tell you I saw him read whichever "document" was in front of him and as semi-intelligent questions based on the info in said "document". If he has dyslexia, he is a functional dyslexic. I think he is trying to "Clintonize" the jury. (Clinton: "I did NOT have sex withe that woman." Eddie: "I did NOT see that e-mail." ) No, but your staff printed it out and/or gave you a bulletized synopsis of it...

  3. I am definately NOT a Perez fan and I too think the Dyslexia Defense is ridiculous and insulting, especially to real Dyslexics. However you can indeed "aquire" Dyslexia. This can and has happened to people with either a severe head injury or having had several concussions. I haven't heard of it being acquired through environmetal issues.

  4. What worries me is when I see tweets that all the jurors are taking notes except the bail bondsmen. I am afraid he already has his orders to acquit and so is just not paying attention. (Seriously, he lives in Hartford but has no opinion on the case AND no opinion on the justice system??)

  5. To anonymous right before this post.

    I couldn't agree more. That bail bondsman is the only hope Eddie has and I too am afraid he doesn't care about the evidence. He's might not "vote" guilty no matter what evidence is presented. If so it's a hung jury and brand new trial. What a waste of money and time this could be.

  6. Of course, what would make a new trial interesting would be that it would take place after Giles' trial. If he gets convicted, he might be willing to roll on Eddie for a lighter sentence.

  7. OMG. The bail bondsmen is NOT taking notes b/c he too is a victim of the Hartford Public School System and like Eddie, he too is dyslexic!

  8. Assuming hung jury, anyone think the Feds are laying in the weeds, ready to show the state how it's done?

  9. My thoughts now that the defense rests.

    A guilty person weighs his/her options on taking the stand in their own defense. An innocent and honest person demands they get their voice heard on the stand.

    Santos should never have been allowed to say what Eddie would have said if he had taken the stand and the media was stupid to print it. The jurors go home to their families every night and they can get wind of that. That's unfair to the prosecution who never got to question Eddie.

    The faster the verdict comes back the more likely it's guilty. If the jury needs a second day we know someone is holding out (bail bondsman?)

  10. I agree Jeff

  11. The Hartford Courant is running an online poll on Perez's verdict. 96% say he's guilty, 4% innocent, out of about 1000 votes so far.

  12. Only matters if one of the 96% is the bail bondsman.

  13. I hope there is a guilty verdict before the week is out.

  14. There's a lot of people who have a vested interest in the verdict. Far more than just the Mayor, though it will impact him the most obviously.

    If he is found guilty all his dishonest cronies are going to be crawling under rocks hoping Mayor Segarra doesn't give them the ax.
    While, the Department heads will be happy because they will finally be able to do their jobs without Eddie micromanaging them or threatening their jobs if they don't do his bidding. Policing will improve in the city and I know the Education Board will be happy as well.

    If the verdict comes back innocent, or more likely hung, it's another year of raping the city by Eddie and his thugs while all the honest employees of Hartford wait out yet another year of tyranny.

    Think about what Eddie is going to lose if he's found guilty. He's losing his job, his pension, his freedom for a few years. Probably his house because he will have to pay back the city for his defense fees. His unlimited defense funds for his imminent appeal. He's also losing the ability to wheel-and-deal at Hartford's expense like he has been for the last 9 years. As they say, the bigger you are the harder you fall.

    However, to revoke his pension the request has to be made to the courts from CT Attorney General Richard Blumenthal. That should be interesting seeing they are pals, or at least were before Eddie got arrested.

    I can't imagine Eddie is sleeping well tonight. John Rose too. Rosie might be dusting off his resume this weekend. There's no hiding for him.

  15. oh wait... Eddie isn't eligible for a pension for another year anyway. Therefore no paperwork to revoke his pension will be needed.

    You can't hold me responsible for what I say or do because I have dyslexia.

  16. Jeff...the way the system works, if he is found guilty say tomorrow,the state can make a Motion for Bail, which I think would be granted.The Judge then would set a date for usualy takes 2-3 months to complete a Pre-Sentencing Investiagtion Report, so expect the sentencing date to be Around September.It is clear the Mayor would also file an Appeal after being found guilty.At his sentencing....where I think he would get 4-8 years he can apply for an appeal bond,which has a chance of being grant.An appeal bond means he would post a bond and stay out of jail,pending appeal.

  17. Thanks. The big thing with a guilty verdict is the City will have to remove him from office and having him no longer run Hartford is what we need most.

  18. Jeff..I couldnt agree more with you....Lets hope they can cobble together 7 votes for removal,otherwise we will try to put together enough political heat to get him to resign...including a 24/7 picket on the sidewalk of his home.

  19. At this rate let's hope it's not a hung jury first. This is starting to enter the taking too long zone.

  20. order to do their job diligently, they need to go over every exhibit from both sides.In addition they may be polling themselves per charge and not all the charges as a whole...this might take longer then you think.

  21. U.S. statistics say the average length of jury deliberations are 4 hours for both civil and criminal cases (source link below). My money is quickly moving over to the hung jury bet. However, this is one bet I hope I lose.

  22. this case was 4 weeks...well above the average time..and with many more exhibits...give it time.
    If by 5 oclock friday there is no verdict..then I will agree with you.

  23. That's is true the trial was above average in time. Tomorrow is a half day for the jury so we might see deliberations go into Monday.

  24. Oh Happy Day! Kevin, thanks for all you have done to expose this criminal. Hopefully now Hartford will begin the healing process. Please continue to keep an eye on things. Your blog is great!

  25. I wish I believed the Council can force him out now, but I doubt it -- Calixto, Rjo, and Veronica "about to join him in jail" Airey-Wilson will never vote for that. Hartford will have a convicted felon as mayor for potentially months to come.

  26. Add Luis Cotto to the list of Council-people not inclined to impeach Mayor Perez.

  27. You have to wonder when Cotto and his ilk will figure out that still being 'friends of Eddie' puts their own political futures at risk. That boat has sailed ... and sunk.

  28. Kevin, thank you for all your hard work. We know you spend your own money regularly for copies of documents and you spend a lot of time trying to make Hartford a better place out of your love for the community and the city. You are a good man and the city appreciates you and the work you do.

    p.s. I'm so happy I lost my bet. :)

  29. Well Perez should consider himself lucky because if the State ever investigated school construction he would be locked up for a veryyyy long time. Lets see how fast Sagarra cleans house starting with moving Adomowski and Jackson out of their city paid rents and remove some of the entourage of the Perez administration. We are hopeful that Sagarra is not going to carry on for Perez.

  30. Anyone know why Kevin has not posted in over a week? Seems like there was a lot for him to talk about this week.

  31. How much you wanna bet Giles, Wilson, and Lopez will be all about taking a plea deal after seeing Eddie get convicted.

    Then again, Giles has been quoted as saying "I'm bullet proof" so maybe he will be going down the same road as Eddie. Being delusional and smug comes with a high price.

  32. Kevin- We are waiting for your posting regarding the verdict. Where are you?

  33. Jeff Lopez already has resolved his matter and paid a fine.I believe that the State will prosecute Wilson and Giles within their normal course.

  34. Thanks Bruce. I do remember Lopez already resolving things now that you mentioned it.

  35. Bruce, what's your profession opinion on jail time for Eddie? I'm assuming 5 years would be min because each of the 5 charges was a felony and the judge might top that off with a bit more. I was thinking 7 years?

  36. Jeff...its only a guess say the state will recommend 7-10 years.Remember though that a smart lawyer like Hubie will try to cut a deal with the State to drop the appeal, to cut the may work.Perez has helped himself with the State and the Judge by his apparent stepping away from the mayorship and it might mitigate his sentence.
    Judge Dewey of course has the last word on the actual sentence.

  37. other thing that might become important. If in fact Perez cuts a deal and gives up the appeal for a lighter sentence, part of the deal might well be that he agrees to testify for the state against Wilson and Giles....sty tuned and we shall see.

  38. The plot thickens.

    Thanks Bruce.
