Thursday, August 19, 2010


For an agency that is still using hand written index cards to keep track of time records, it might be a jump for them to keep up with this new-fangled thing called the internet.

The only problem is that we are paying for someone to maintain the Hartford Police Department's website under a special contract worth more than $60,000 per year. The person with the contract is also collecting a pension as a retired City of Hartford employee.

In taking a look at the website last night, it shows that the weekly crime statistics haven't been updated since May 15, 2010. They used to be relatively up to date, maybe lagging a couple weeks at a time, but over 3 months behind?

Much of the basic information is also outdated. It show's Lt. Luis Rodriguez as Commander of Vice and Narcotics, he hasn't been there in probably over a year. Lt. Pat Jobes is listed as the Headquarters Lieutenant for "C" squad, he retired months ago. Many other mistakes and outdated information is on the site, but you get the point.

Shouldn't we ask for our money's worth if we are paying over $60,000 a year to have someone make sure it is correct?

Another problem I have is that the City is paying a police Sergeant to function as the Public Information Officer. If information was flowing out of the Police Department it might be worthwhile. But if you go by what is on the website, there have been five press releases for the entire month of August, one on the 2nd, three on the 3rd and one on the 5th, nothing since. Ten press releases for May, one for June, and none for July. Probably a mistake on the part of the webmaster, but if nothing else, it shows that the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing.

With the current staffing issues, do we really need to tie up a sworn police officer writng a handful of press releases a month. With all of the gun and drug arrests being made, why aren't these being made public? Would it hurt to let people know what their Police Department is doing?


  1. This blog gets distributed via email with the daily press clippings whenever HPD is mentioned. It will be interesting to see if this blog gets distributed.

  2. Interesting to know that. Somehow I think this one might get left out of the packet. I can not understand why a PIO is needed when there are competent supervisors on every shift that could do a much better job getting a message out. Last night there was a search warrant served on Oakland Terrace, several arrests made, guns and drugs recovered, but not a word mentioned. People need to know it is not all about bad cops stealing or whatever. There is great work being done on the streets of Hartford and no one hears about it. Also, it does not only happen between 7am and 3pm Monday through Friday. The biggest complaint I hear from friends in the media is that the PIO is not accessible and very rarely returns phone calls on a timely basis. Someone in that position could be a tremendous asset to building the image of HPD if they only knew how to deal with the media and use them to get a positive message out.

    But the website is a joke and so is the media message.

    I think someone did pay attention to last weeks posting about the traffic division comments. All afternoon I noticed motor officers and a CSO making stops in front of my home.

    If they are reading, should I post my thoughts on a re-organization plan for Assistant and Deputy Chiefs?

  3. HPD is like a person with low self esteem. They both spend more time worrying about what everyone thinks about them then they spend displaying positivity. Maybe some day they will figure it out.

  4. I am impressed. It got dispersed with the rest of the HPD media clippings.
