Tuesday, September 28, 2010


What a difference a year makes.

A year ago after her arrest, Hartford City Councilperson Veronica Airey-Wilson was supposedly clamoring for her day in court to prove her innocence. Today she had her day in court and rather than proceed to trial to prove her innocence,she is trying to avoid that by taking a form of probation.

Accelerated Rehabilitation is a court program that allows first time offenders to avoid entering a plea and avoid trial. The program would put Airey-Wilson on a period of probation to be determined by the Court for a period up to two years. After the term of the probation, her arrest would be erased if she does not commit any more crimes during that period.

Another step to help restore confidence in Hartford government, a Councilperson on probation due to her corruption arrest. I guess only in Hartford.


  1. Accelerated Rehab seems to require no admission of guilt, so what is the rehabilitation from? As you suggest, not a means to restore confidence in muni govt. Would much prefer an admission of guilt with probation. Personally, I don't care if she is convicted or sent to prison, and my impression is she's not a terrible person, but she damn well ought to get off council.

  2. She should resign. She's a crook, she can't be trusted.

  3. Query as to whether Accelerated Rehab play would prevent the AG from attacking any pension Airey/Wilson might have coming. Would seem to turn on whether the rehab would be characterized as a plea of no lo contendere. Sec. 1-110a

  4. Peter..getting AR granted would mean that the AG couldnt move on her pension.Given the salaries of the Council, the pension is peanuts anyway.

  5. Thanks, Bruce.
    I know they don't make a lot of money.
    Mystery as to why she simply won't get out.
