Monday, September 27, 2010


Councilwoman Veronica Airey-Wilson will be making an appearance in Hartford Superior Court at 101 Lafayette Street Tuesday morning at 10:00AM. Her appearance will be for her corruption related arrest as part of the Eddie Perez Grand Jury investigation.

Will a plea deal be cut or will Veronica roll the dice like Eddie did? Who knows, only time will tell.Word is that the odds are in favor of cutting the deal.


  1. Her conviction should be a slam dunk for the Prosecutors after what Costa already testified to at the Perez trial. He made it quite clear that she provided "favors" for him in exchange for the countertops in her kitchen and "butler pantry".

    How will she look in orange?

  2. The state needs to demand she steps down from office as part of the deal and can never run for any office again.

    A corruption charge should not allow a person to hold a political office ever again.

  3. The interesting thing will be who succeeds her, if and when she resigns.Word on the street is that she has made a deal with the Republican Town Chair to have her lawyer nephew Cory Brinson succeed her.Brinson nows lives in an apartment in Hartford's 4th district.The Republican Town Chair and perennial gadfly candidate, Mike McGarry, might also try to succeed her, though with his own baggage to the Perez Administration...the magazine that he owns takes advertising from the City of Hartford...makes his candidacy very doubtful as the Council and Hartford's citizens want to "turn the page" on Perez and anyone associated with him, like Mike McGarry was.

  4. Bring back John O' Connell. He is the only one who made any sense over the years. Good head, smart man, and the city needs him.

    If she is corrupt we don't want nor should we have her making any type of deal with anyone or the corruption may rub off. You all know how that is.

  5. Bring back John O' Connell.
    OK by me.

  6. Word on the street is that she has made a deal with the Republican Town Chair to have her lawyer nephew Cory Brinson succeed her.
    Can someone please inform me as to the procedure for replacement in the likely event that Veronica will finally remove herself? I don't understand what she may have to offer in a deal, nor what Republican chair may have to do with it. Replacement of Segarra seemed to have been performed in the dead of night behind closed doors by Dem majority. Once Veronica is gone no Repubs will be left to replace her (even assuming such would be authorized to do so).
    I do think McGarry would be an improvement; doubt he'd go for "sanctuary city" or Arizona scolding, for example.

  7. Mr Brush....Veronica's replacement,should that be necessary,is by Charter.The Charter states that the replacement must be "from the same party" as the Councilperson who left.The remaining Council selects the replacement as they see fit,without advice or the consent of the Hartford Republican Party,if they so feel inclined.

  8. "I do feel McGarry would be an improvement..."

    No...McGarry wouldn't be an improvement.McGarry was at the trough taking money from the Perez regime for city ads for his magizine, in which he is an equity owner.Some of us believe that he followed Eddie's marching orders and if you ever noticed,never said a bad word about Eddie as his matter was winding its way to a conclusion.

    The other thing is Peter,McGarry as the opposition leader should have stepped up to the plate and criticized the Perez regime but we never saw him do that..he has hurt the Republican brand terribly.

  9. No...McGarry wouldn't be an improvement.
    Can't follow. Since he didn't call for resignation of corrupt pols he's as bad as one of the corrupt pols?
    If the procedure is as suggested by Bruce R., I guess we're not likely to get a John O'C.

  10. Peter...not only didnt McGarry not call for Perez's resignation he was a participant in the way of ads from the city which his magazine was the beneficiary of.McGarry's silence about Perez and other Democratic corruption has hurt the Republican brand

    I dont think O'Connell is well enough to be on the Council.If he was well enough and if he was so disposed, he would be a good choice as he is a great numbers man.

  11. "participant in the regime..."(?)
    Still not following. I do know that there are few people who have spent as much time and energy on the municipality's affairs as McG. I'm pretty sure he's not getting 72g/yr. in "pension" payouts like our current corporate counsel (not that that's a qualification in itself). And, I'm pretty sure he would at least not sign on to the wackiest of proposals before the august body we know as City Council. I'm not endorsing him. I'd need a better deal than currently on the table for that (a joke son...). There are at least 10 or 20 Republicans in the pool from which (if Bruce R. is right) the Coucil Dems can chose.

  12. ARE following.... you just dont want to recognize that McGarry was part of the corrupt Perez regime and in my view UNFIT to replace Veronica...we need a republican not tied to the Perez regime and someone who isnt a petty grifter as McGarry appears to be.
