Thursday, September 9, 2010


I guess today is a good day to vent about our trendsetting Councilman. One of my pet peeves was expressed very well by Dennis House at WFSB on his blog "The Hartfordite". To read Dennis's blog, click here

It speaks for itself, but I totally agree with his comments about the professionalism expressed by the way someone is dressed before the public. I have thought since the beginning of his term that Councilman Cotto has lowered the bar as far as professionalism and the image of the Council with the lack of proper attire.

Read what Dennis has to say and feel free to post your comments here.


  1. Councilman Cotto doesnt care about the image of Hartford....ship him to Afganistan

  2. Quite the contrary. The Councilman cares very much about image. More, in fact, I think than substance. His normally ragged attire is a deliberate choice, designed to show his solidarity with the downtrodden. The fact that the bourgeoisie disapprove is for him confirmation that he is on the mark.

  3. Yeah but does he have to wear a hairnet every other time i see him?

  4. Maybe he wears a hair net because they make him wear one @ the fast food restaurant where he works. As pointed out in previous blogs he can't seem to keep any of his other jobs.

  5. ask Mr Cotto why he was let go at the Charter Oak Culteral Center...

  6. maybe Louis is wearing the hairnet as some sort of prepatory thing for a sexual re-assignment surgery?

  7. Kevin, It should be Dennis' blog. Not Dennis's

  8. grammarqueen: incorrect. the only words that use s' alone are jesus and moses. Kevin is correct in his choise of s's.

  9. out of the entire list of words that end in S the only two that require the possessive s' ending is Jesus and Moses?

  10. I'm surprised to learn that Grammar Queen is mistaken. Not that I have such confidence in her, or even met her. But, I'd always operated on names ending in "s" in the way she suggests. I don't learn something every day any more, so I do appreciate it.
    Luis's crusade. Mr.Cotto's hairnet. pb
    Although names ending in s or an s sound are not required to have the second s added in possessive form, it is preferred.
    Mr. Jones's golf clubs
    To show plural possession, make the noun plural first. Then immediately use the apostrophe.
    Examples: two boys' hats
    two women's hats

  11. Grammar Queen,

    The others have said it so I guess I don't have to, the possessive form I used for "Dennis's" blog was correct, but thanks for the comment anyway.

  12. Charge Card Louie:

    Don't be a tease. Just tell us what Cotto did with a credit card @ Charter Oak Cultural that got him fired. Did he get arrested as well?

  13. Okay, another anti-Puerto Rican

    effort by the Brookman, she never ID her efforts....

  14. another "anti Puerto Rican effort" ?

    I guess in your view it is all about race, it apparently has nothing to do with right or wrong.

  15. Grammar Queen,

    Kevin, Peter, and anonymous are correct regarding the possessive form with names ending in s.

  16. Mimi....ask Luis yourself...he needs to come "clean" to the community and his coming forward on it would be a good start.

  17. Yes...Luis should indeed come forward and tell the community all the circumstances involving his employment with the Charter Oak Cultural Center.

  18. Dear Honorable Councilman Cotto:

    Please tell us, the community/your constituents, all the circumstances surrounding your employment with the Charter Oak Cultural Center. And please, do NOT give me your personal or city cell phone # to call you. Just post it here for all to see. Thanks.

  19. Perhaps Luis can also explain to us the recent suit;

    Chase Bank USA Vs Luis Cotto

    The docket number is CV09-5026488

  20. Hartford: A third world communist district funded by outsiders.

  21. State needs to stop funding hell holes like Hartford.

  22. State needs to stop funding hell holes like Hartford.
    Some appeal in the suggestion, but I would say that since education is a State function, the board of ed. a State agency, the State should fund it. Of course, the amount we presently get from outside is approximately equal to the amount spent on education. That leaves only a couple of hundred million $ to be picked up by the taxpayers of Hartford, all two or three thousand of them.
    I have also been attracted to the idea of Hartford's returning its charter to the State; let's just admit it, we aren't capable of self government. Send the charter to Dick Blumenthal, and declare the territory unincorporated. In truth, though, the reason all of our large towns (if Hartford were unique, our muni govt. could be more fairly be blamed)are in such poor condition; the State legislature has designated them ghettos. So let the State assuage its guilt to the hilt until that not-to-distant time when its own fiscal disaster imposes limits.
    Going back to the imam/prayer matter. I heard on NPR (my truck only gets a few stations, so sometime I listen) that the thing has been called off by Rjo. There was reportedly no comment by Councilman Cotto, certainly no press conference to criticize her "Islamophobia."

  23. peter brush said:
    "In truth, though, the reason all of our large towns (if Hartford were unique, our muni govt. could be more fairly be blamed)are in such poor condition; the State legislature has designated them ghettos....

    I include all of our larger towns in the hell hole category. The muni govt. of all these large towns are nothing but barely legal organized crime organizations.

    Funding must be cut. Cut the money and see these thugs run.

  24. Placing blame where it belongs, let's not forget that it was the state legislature that gave us public sector unions. It could get rid of them, make them illegal as they were prior to about 1960. As things stand, we have muni government in Hartford of the unions, by the unions, and for the unions, especially in the case of our Union Worker Family council guys.

  25. The public sector unions should become illegal again. Small amount of government goes a long way. The rest are just parasites.

  26. peter brush said:
    "but I would say that since education is a State function, the board of ed. a State agency, the State should fund it.."

    Translation : State transfers income from the rest of CT to useless unionized government employees in our large towns. Government officials in these towns can then free up funds to continue their corrupt, self serving, illegal activities.

  27. Lots of disinformation about Luis. The grandstanding taking place here is by the critics not by Luis.

  28. there is no dis-information about Luis...he simply refuses to come clean.

    No Luis is a grand-stander

  29. The Connecticut chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations will hold a prayer vigil Monday on the steps of city hall to protest the city council's decision to call off its pre-meeting prayer, which was to be an Islamic invocation.
    Will our moral superiors on council attend the pre-meeting prayer in protest against their own capitulation in the face of a "wave" of islamophobia? I advise quiet exit stage left from the grand stand. Let's move on, get back to the critical business at hand for our municipal legislature, for example, making sure CREC bus drivers are paid a "living wage."

  30. The Council appears to achieved the remarkable accomplishment of unifying everyone. Unfortunately for the Council, people now appear to be unified in their disgust with how the Council created and then resolved this debacle. This is another example of how far Hartford's leaders have fallen. Thirty years ago, Nick Carbone became famous for creating crisis for which he already had solutions (usually solutions which could never have been advanced as public policy absent the crisis!!!) Now we have a council that bumbles its way into a crisis and then creates a second crisis to try to address the 1st crisis. What's next? An illegal declaration of matial law to save us from the "divisiveness" that a peaceful protest by law abiding citizens will cause? As Charlie Brown would have said - "UUUUGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!"

  31. Does the mayor know about Islamic rule regarding gays? How could he possibly support this?

  32. There are way too many pressing issues that need to be tackled in this city to worry about besides invocation before council meetings.

    To the last anonymous poster regarding the mayor:

    I believe Mayor Segarra won't even bother publicly addressing this issue, knowing how dysfunctional the council as a body truly is.

  33. Mr wareing....Carbone is now reduced to bringing around predators like Angel Morales.

  34. George...if you think the Council is dysfunctional, you havent seen the Democratic Town Committee operate, it is 10 times worse then even the Council.

  35. Rich...coming on the heels of eddie's sentencing tomorrow and the impending arrests of Robles and Morales...the fun and dysfunctional hijinks at City Hall presents a terrible image of Hartford to everyone.

  36. Even if Carbone today is as bad as the rest, Carbone 30 years ago was about 10 times the politician as any of the current cast in their prime.

  37. Mr still have not commented upon the question that I posed to you...

    "Why do you think Councilman Cotto will not tell us the circumstances of ending of his employment with The Charter Oak Cultural Center"?

  38. Anon - I don't know about Hector or Angel one way or the other, but yes, I agree. Once again the Council has taken a bad situation and made it worse.

  39. Mr still have not commented upon the question that I posed to you...

    "Why do you think Councilman Cotto will not tell us the circumstances of ending of his employment with The Charter Oak Cultural Center"?
    Mr. C.C. Louie:
    I object to Mr. Cotto's ideology, especially in the context of our local governmental operations; i.e., a town with no $, huge social dysfunction, and gargantuan promises made to its unionized public employees. I don't know anything about him, zero, zilch, nada, in his personal dealings. In truth, I don't even know if he wears a hairnet, whether he goes for the Sox or Yanks, salsa or merengue... Nothing I've witnessed in the guy from a distance would prevent me from sharing a cerveza with him, but I'll certainly not vote for the guy.

  40. Rich....Carbone and I do not "talk" so I will not be leading a cheering section for him.I was active in Hartford politics since the late 60's and Carbone in my opinion, was the most powerful and important city deputy mayor in the last 50 years.That is not to say that he did everything right.

  41. peter brush :
    I object to Mr. Cotto's ideology, especially in the context of our local governmental operations; i.e., a town with no $, huge social dysfunction, and gargantuan promises made to its unionized public employees.
    There is a name for that ideology:
    It is called a PARASITE.

  42. Read this for example:

  43. He said the outpouring of angry e-mails and voicemails — many of which he characterized as racist and hateful — demonstrate "exactly who we are up against."

    "One guy responded, 'We won,' and it was one of the hardest e-mails …" he said, but stopped as he broke into tears.
    Courant less than clear. Did the specter of hateful racism cause Councilman Cotto to start crying at the big anti-islamophobian demonstration yesterday? pb
    "I can't get everyone of all religions in the room to pray, but I can get everyone in the room to be silent," Winch said. "[The local imams] had an invitation that should have never been extended."
    Perhaps a council committee should be established to clarify procedure in the area; the Permanent Commission on Inclusion, Exclusion, and Invitation- Extension at Council.
    But, I'm thinking when we get the Htfd. Muni. REality Show going some sort of musical prelude to the council meetings might be better than a moment of silence. pb

  44. I believe the Public Access TV already tapes all council proceedings. Maybe we just send a link to the powers that be in reality television...

  45. The following comments were left by Ken Krayeske and they were sent to my e-mail as all comments are, but Ken noticed they didn't appear on here. I don't remove comments unless they are obscene or totally out of line, and I've only done that twice.

    If anyone else has had trouble, please let me know. Thanks.

    Ken Krayeske has left a new comment on your post "AND ANOTHER THING THAT BUGS ME....":

    Hey all you anonymous hacks - stop hiding behind the relative safety of secrecy and show you faces.

    The credit card lawsuit against Luis Cotto looks just like that. First, we can't be sure that it is indeed Luis Cotto the councilman that has been sued, because from the website, there is no address for the Luis Cotto being sued.

    Looking at the docket

    It appears that Cotto was sued and served on January 21, 2009.

    He didn't appear, and didn't even hire a lawyer. On May 5, 2009, Chase USA filed a motion for default for failure to appear. Then five days later, the court granted the judgment.

    On August 11, 2009, the credit card company issued an execution and tried to execute against his bank account. In January of this year, the execution was returned unsatisfied, meaning they tried, but couldn't attach any monies in his account.

    It would seem that if Chase USA knew of his bank account - which they can learn of through post-judgment interrogatories - they should easily enough have been able to attach his council wages.

    I would suggest that before people go bantering off about someone, that first they use the respect of identifying themselves.

    Kevin, the anonymity on this board has gotten quite uncivil, and it is time you reign it in.

    It is unfortunate, because the service that your commentary and reporting are providing is being undermined by the cockroaches who hide behind namelessness and say we should ship Cotto to Afghanistan.

    For those who aren't aware or don't recall, Cotto served in the United States armed forces.

    Ken Krayeske

  46. Ken: So Councilman Cotto may or may not be THE Luis Cotto on the docket... What if anything do you know about the circumstances regarding his former employer, Charter Oak Cultural Center? In the past whenever Cotto was called out on this blog he reponded. He has been obviously silent on these issues raised by the anonymous "hacks". P.S. I believe that one must grant permission for one's employer to allow wage garnishment even if it was court ordered.

  47. Ken....Mr Cotto and his aid Brendon are avid readers of this blog.If Mr Cotto had any interest in coming clean with those of us that read or post on this blog then he would have posted on here the circumstances of the Charter Oak Cultural Center termination of employment and the suit that you prefaced.However,by their silence on both issues, neither Luis nor Brendon think the public has a right to know sufficient and significant information that might effect how the public views them.

    Another thing the vibrant pursuit of the full use and potential of the 1st amendment, reasonable speech and other forms of discourse cannot be too uncivil.Ive seen nothing too uncivil hear and I think Ken, you are tilting at windmills and beating a dead horse.

  48. cockroaches who hide behind namelessness and say we should ship Cotto to Afghanistan.

    For those who aren't aware or don't recall, Cotto served in the United States armed forces.
    Put me in the unaware domain. Also, put me in the grateful-for-his service one. Ship him to Afghanistan? Me thinks some exaggeration, Ken.
    I do think some of the chatter is uncomfortably invasive. It's as if this blog were descending to the level of the Hartford Courant in, for example, yesterday's thorough investigation of a pol's child custody mess.

  49. discourse cannot be too uncivil.Ive seen nothing too uncivil hear and I think Ken, you are tilting at windmills and beating a dead horse.
    Charge Card:
    I think you exaggerate, too. Doubt Ken be both beating horses and windmill-tilting at the same time. But, think you may be correct about discourse; we have no discernible minimum below which we can not fall.

  50. You know why Cotto hasn't responded? He's still observing the moment of silence called by President Winch.
