Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Councilman Luis Cotto who apparently has a penchant as the purveyor of truth and Justice for all "phobias" now has a distinct opportunity to make a statement against more hate speak about to land in Hartford....actually Bloomfield.

Susan Campbell at the Courant posted about Bishop Eddie Long who will be coming to the First Cathedral in Bloomfield next week. You can read her blog entry here.

I had never heard of Bishop Eddie Long before this morning. I was watching one of the morning news programs and heard a story about a Bishop in Georgia who was an outspoken critic of homosexuality. Well, in the fine spirit of some of our elected officials in Washington DC who were also outspoken "homophobes", it seems that Bishop Eddie was now allegedly caught in a "gay" scandal of his own. Not to be confused with Mayor Eddie, that is a different scandal.

Well, apparently the good Bishop is being sued by at least three young men that claim he forced them into sexual acts and allegedly bought their silence with gifts of cars, money, clothes, jewelry, international trips and access to celebrities. You can read the full news story on by clicking here

Bishop Long's thoughts aren't confined to homophobia either. During a sermon to his congregation he also had some interesting thoughts on women when he said ""It is the most unattractive thing I have ever seen, when I see women wearing uniforms that men would wear, and women fighting to get in the military!" Long shouted to his congregation then. "The woman gets perverted to turn towards woman … and everybody knows it's dangerous to enter an exit! And everybody knows, lady, if you go to the store and buy these devices [marital aids], it's Memorex! It ain't real!".

One of the lawsuits apparently stemmed from an incident when a young man went to the good Bishop for counseling after his best friend died. Instead Bishop Long allegedly coerced him into having sex.

Maybe our Councilman can work with Hartford's LGBT Commission and make a statement about the Bishop's appearance, he might even get some more headlines.

If you would like to voice your thoughts to the First Cathedral's Archbishop LeRoy Bailey, feel free to call at (800) 615-0034 or local (860) 243-6520.


  1. Maybe there could be a future for this Bishop in Hartford politics by the sounds of it if he ever wants to move North.

    "Bishop meet Angel, Angel meet Bishop"

  2. The councilman of the second poorest city / third dead city in the US in a district with the lowest test scores in the State....
    In short:
    Failed City with a Failed education system.

    He has more pressing issues than this. Don't you think?

  3. My point exactly, maybe my sarcasm wasn't strong enough, I thought the Batman beacon would have done it.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Given Councilman Cotto's pushing for Isamic prayer and friendliness with the Hartford Muslim community and given the Muslim communitys' terrible positions on matters concerning LGBT rights, and womens rights, positions that discriminates against them and undoubtedly Cotto knows this,I highly doubt Cotto will be answering your call on this post to do something concerning Bishop Long.

  6. Yeah, and where are the gay radicals? Are they going out to Bloomfield on Monday to protest? Don't think so, but I bet anyone that if it were a white preacher coming to town with the same as the Bishop they would be screaming and jumping all over the place.

    Somebody call up Frank O'Gorman and ask him to come out fair and square, and call it like it is for once in his life. These liberals like Cotto and O'Gorman and the rest of the crew sure get me.
