Thursday, September 2, 2010


The September 10, 2010 date that had been set for the sentencing of former Mayor Eddie A. Perez after his felony convictions, has apparently been moved back a few days to September 14, 2010 at 10:00am.The updated information appears on the State of Connecticut's Judicial branch website.

Please adjust your calendars accordingly.


  1. Kevin: Has Hubie submitted Eddie's appeal yet? Will the judge carry out sentencing if the appeal is pending?

  2. Im not an attorney, so I'm not sure how the "pending appeal" would work. I think a judge can go either way on that one.

    As far as the appeal itself, to the best of my knowledge so far an appeal is only talk. The big issue I think is that appeals take money. Most defense attorneys want to get paid for the original defense work before they start talking about an Appeal. Also, if your defense attorney advised you to take a plea deal when it was offered by the State and you disregarded their advice, the attorney may not believe too strongly on winning an appeal if he thought the State had a strong enough case to potentially get a conviction.

    If Perez runs true to form though, he will most likely try any stunt to delay his inevitable date with the Judge for his sentence.

  3. You're absolutely right Kevin. Eddie will try any and everything under the sun to delay his prison time. I wouldn't put it past him if he fled the county.

  4. It is past time for Eddie to start wearing that orange jumpsuit. I think he will look good in it.

  5. I don't think filing an appeal delays your sentencing. What it can do is is result in an appeal bond, if the judge grants one, which allows you to stay out of prison until the appeal is decided.

  6. I heard that Eddie is trying to line up a job for his wife Maria via someone he appointed to a high position in the Bd of Ed. However, it is rumored that Maria doesn't even have a GED. Good luck with that one.

  7. Justin,

    you heard shit, Maria and Eddie-
    Guess what, their is 200,000 Latinos in this state who will look after them.

    This is not about innocent or guilty, this is about decencia.


  8. the 200,000 latino's in this state think he is gulity and should go to jail...the poll done in Hartford only by the hartford courant ran 4 to 1 against him and the spainish juror voted him guilty...Eddie is a pendejo.

  9. maybe maria should ask minnie gonzalez and ramon arroyo to take care of her..after all they own 5 homes..3 in hartford..a condo in new haven and a home in puerto rico...not too shabby on a $30k legislative salary and ramon is where did their money come from?

  10. Eddie is a TRU GANGSTA. Will probably flee to El Yunque like the macheteros did, which worked for awhile, until one of their own PEEPS rolled on them, kinda like happened to Eddie already with the projecto en su casa...

    I recently came back from vacaciones en PR, and todos I talked to were embarassed by Eddie's debacle.

  11. waddya think about eddie's new cosultant job announced at his soyree this weekend?
