Sunday, September 26, 2010


One of the complaints I keep hearing is that no one knows what is going on in Hartford, and far too often they find out after the fact. I'm going to try this as a way for anyone to post events happening on a weekly basis in Hartford.

If you have something going on, feel free to post it as a comment for others to read. Please post any contact info you would like if people reading would like more info. I'm just trying this to gauge the response, and if it works out we can most likely find it a little more formal way to do it.

A couple of events to begin with:

September 29, 2010, 4:30-8:00PM Hartford 2000, the parent organization for Hartford's Neighborhood Revitalization Groups (NRZ's) will be holding its first "Meet your Neighbors" pasta dinner. This will be held at the Holy Trinity Church Hall at the corner of Capitol Avenue and Hudson Street. For more info call 860-547-1663, ext. 21.

September 29, 2010, 7:00- 9:00PM, Community Conversation/Planning meeting, held at Sisson Tavern, 86 Sisson Avenue, Hartford. A discussion of the upcoming elections will be held. Hosted by Ken Krayeske, Dan Malo and David Samuels. For more info contact David Samuels at 860-206-8879.

Monday, September 27, 2010, 7:00PM, Hartford City Council meeting at Hartford City Hall , NOTE: no public comment session at this meeting


  1. Cool idea Kevin. I have one.

    When: October 4th, 2010, 10:00AM

    Where: 95 Washington Street

    Why: Former Mayor and now convicted felon Eddie Perez goes to jail.

    Rain Day: if he finds a lawyer to take his appeal for free this event will be postponed. New jail day will be announced.

  2. The only correction to that is the address should be 101 Lafayette I think. I was hoping more for community events, but I guess that qualifies
