Wednesday, October 6, 2010


I'm just wondering, do endorsements and polls really sway voters?

It surprises me that a candidate who has said that he is not a Washington D.C. insider is trying to stand shoulder to shoulder with just about every Washington D.C. insider willing to take a trip to Connecticut. First Lady Michelle Obama has apparently announced that she will be making a campaign trip to Connecticut to support the "D.C outsider", Richard Blumenthal.

Do voters really make their decision based upon the candidate or are they swayed by who is willing to stump for them. And if Blumenthal is really not a D.C. insider, then how does the President, former President Clinton or even the First Lady feel comfortable talking about him. I know President Clinton apparently spent time with him at Yale, but those may not be the clearest memories.

And what about the debates? Is anyone really listening or is it just a good break from Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune?

And does a neck in neck poll influence your vote for or against a candidate?

Feel free to post your comments.


  1. I don't know if the Democrats are working for Republican wins, but you certainly are with the non-stop "bash Blumenthal" here. I have always come here because it was one of the few sources of honest news about Hartford, but now it seems to be about advancing your own political agenda, aka "vote McMahon."

  2. On an off topic note here...To Attorney Tom Page an avid reader of this blog...please inform us of the resutls of your grievance hearing yesterday in Waterbury.
