Friday, October 1, 2010


Apparently it looks like the Hartford Democratic Town Committee is getting tired of living on life support and is scheduled for a "heart transplant" on October 20, 2010.

The DTC has scheduled a fundraiser to be held at the Connecticut Science Center on October 20th to assist with their "Get out the Vote" (GOTV) efforts. The kickoff for their efforts allows them a whole two weeks before the election to get up to speed and educate and motivate Hartford's voters.

Unfortunately, for most Hartford residents, if you would like to attend it may be necessary to forgo groceries for a week or two. The cost of admission is anywhere from $75.00 to $250.00 according to the flyer. It almost sounds like something the Republicans would do, except they are well beyond a transplant, they have been collecting for their funeral.

Word is that the Connecticut Probation Department will also have a table set up at the event to conduct pre-sentencing interviews for some of the notables that will be in attendance that night.

No word yet if Hartford's former Mayor and now convicted felon Eddie Perez will be in attendance. Now that he has landed a new job as a consultant for the Hartford AIDS Resource Coalition, he can hopefully afford a couple tickets at the top level of $250.00. At the the very least he owes it to the Hartford Democratic Town Committee, many of them made him what he is today.

Hector Robles, listed on the flyer, will be fresh out of his latest hearing October 19th on his charges with the Hartford Police Department that potentially could lead to his termination and arrest. I might also suggest a ticket at the top level also. Political connections can't hurt if you play them right. And if nothing else, maybe another non-profit funded by the taxpayers of Hartford an be called upon to pony up a "consultant" job if needed.

Minnie Gonzalez is also listed as part of the "honorary committee". I would think she will be back from her taxpayer funded junket to Paris in time to attend. Word is she will be greeting those attending with a hearty "bonjour" at the door.

Hartford DTC Secretary Angel Morales will be hosting a second fundraiser at the Hartford Public Library, a youth "GOTV" effort.

For any of the major candidates listed, it might be wise to "mistakenly" double book an event that night about as far south in Fairfield County as you can get. If anyone questions your agreeing to attend, you can just say you "misspoke".


  1. The only HDTC members that will show are those coerced into going by the ruling Junta of Holloway,DiBella,Page,Kennelly,Minne,Arroyo and Carbone.

    The listed honorees wont show because they dont want to be close to the denof thieves,criminals,corrupt and psychos within the party and certainly dont want a picture with them.

    The HDTC might do better if they feature Angel Morales doing a pole dance in his navy blue boxers, with the song "YMCA" in the backround.

  2. Town Committee 1st District Co Spokesperson Attorney Thompson Page aspires to replace Councilman Matt Ritter this coming January when Ritter leaves the Council.Attorney Page is a defendant personally and professionally in a legal malpractice suit and has a grievance filed against him.

    The grievance is Docket# 10-0109 and will be heard on 10/05/10 in Waterbury Superior Court,300 Grand Street at 10AM. I do hope that as Attorney Page goes around assessing his support that he will come clean on those 2 matters and let the town committee and the Council question him about them.

  3. The HDTC would do better if they cleaned up the criminals and corrupt individuals within their party.The problem is of course, the criminal and corrupt element is at the top of the party and all the way down to the rank and file.

    Knowing the mentality of those in charge...Holloway,DiBella,Carbone,Minnie,Page,Kennelly etc., if they got rid of Watkins and Morales they would replace them with the 2 murderers who are on trial now for the Petit killings.
