Thursday, October 14, 2010


The Maple Avenue Revitalization Group (MARG) will meet tonight, October 14th, at 6:00PM in the basement of St. Augustine Church at 10 Campfield Avenue.

Police Chief Daryl Roberts and Public Works Director Kevin Burnham are expected to attend.

For further information, contact Hyacinth Yennie at 860-296-5543


  1. HY runs the most active and best organized NRZ, without a doubt..anyone living in the zone should attend.

  2. My sense of it is that these organizations are, by statute, utterly without power. Can't imagine they do any harm. But, what's with the name? I get the "revitalization" angle; it's not going to happen, but I get it. But, what is a neighborhood zone? The guys that wrote the statute might watch ball games in Fenway Park Stadium.

  3. Peter...they are partially funded by the city indirectly thru "Hartford 2000"

  4. partially funded by the city
    I've attended some functions of my NRZ. I commend those involved for their attention to civic matters, etc. But, the "Zones" are statutorily impotent, regardless of how much public slush funding. Kinda like the United Nations, etc.
    -----------------------------------Any municipality may by resolution of its legislative body establish neighborhood revitalization zones, in one or more neighborhoods, for the development by neighborhood groups of a collaborative process for federal, state and local governments to revitalize neighborhoods where there is a significant number of deteriorated property and property that has been foreclosed, is abandoned, blighted or is substandard or poses a hazard to public safety.

  5. Peter..i agree that the NRZ's are virtually powerless and are more,say,pressure groups.They find problems within the meaning of the authorizing statute and bring the problem to the attention of the right city department and then "pressure" for its redmediation..

  6. bring the problem to the attention of the right city department
    OK by me. Doubt we needed (Nick Carbone-sponsored?) statutory authority for that. There are people who dislike meetings more than I, but not too many. God bless the Neighborhood Zone Areas.

  7. Nick Carbone RUINED the city and more importantly the neighborhood groups if he sponsored the statute.The best source of major fundamental change in my opinion would come from neighborhood groups, not politicians.The best thing for the survival and effectiveness of the neighborhood groups is to get off the dope of city money and organize and stand on their own.With the city money comes the ability to "pressure" the groups has been done by Matt H for Felon Perez.The groups then lose their vitality and radicalism and become inpotent and cease organizing for meaningful change as happened in Hartford.

  8. So, why then did Segarra hire Linda Bayer (head of Hartford 2000) as his "Legislative Assistant"?

    P.S. Linda like Sandra Kee Borges is retired from the city and collecting a pension and free medical insurance.

  9. Chris...perhaps Linda was hired because she already has the experience and relationships up at the capital to help Hartford in its time of dire need.Linda of course has alot of City connections also and brings to the table the ear of the Mayor along with her vast knowledge.

    As to Sandy once again Pedro opted for someone with a vast knowledge of city hall and I think it was a wonderful oppointment.Chris...Sandy was already getting a pension and health benefits.What we get with Sandy is someone able to hit the ground running...someone who is a people person and always friendly who isnt overly political and who so far has served ably.

  10. I would like to know what time, date and year that Nick Carbone ruined the City of Hartford. If my memory serves me when Nick Carbone was in office we always had money coming into the City of Hartford. The Police Department, Renovations of 525 Main Street, etc. were the results of Nick Carbone going to Washington, D.C. getting money for the City of Hartford. Try and get your facts straight prior to making negative comments about someone who did bring money into the City of Hartford.
