Wednesday, October 27, 2010


The hearing is over, the report should be done and the election is fast approaching.

I have received numerous calls asking if Chief Roberts will make his decision before the November 2nd election that includes Hector Robles as the incumbent candidate for the 6th Legislative District.

The answer to that question is a pretty simple the heck would I know?

Common sense would say that Chief Roberts is not going to let politics play into his decision. With that being said though, the Chief is well aware of the criticism he received when the initial Internal Affairs Investigation report was released two days after the August primary. The report at that time was out of his hands and I know for a fact that both the Hartford Corporation Counsel's Office and the State's Attorney's Office were both involved in the delay of the report being released.

The timing of the release, 2 days after the primary, raised the suspicions of many that it was done for political reasons to protect Robles, but I feel comfortable saying that wasn't true.

With that being said though, hopefully it shouldn't happen twice. Whether it is the Chief's fault or not, it might be hard to convince City residents that the second delay until after an election is just bad timing.

This has dragged on since August 14th, the hearings were completed a week and a half ago, and from what I understand, the facts and the evidence have not had any real change.

Hopefully Chief Roberts, who is out of town this week at the International Association of Chiefs of Police annual meeting in Orlando, has made sure that the hearing officers report will be sitting in the center of his desk when he returns at the end of this week.

Political pressure should not play into this decision, but a large part of the confidence that the public has in Chief Roberts and his leadership will be challenged by any unnecessary or unjustified delays.

In the meantime, bring your pencils to the polls, three "write-in" candidates have qualified for the ballot to challenge Robles. Democrats Alyssa Peterson and Kathy Evans as well as Republican Mike Lupo will all be on the ballot in the 6th District.


  1. Kevin..the internal report as you know recommended termination.That report was the centerpiece in the hearings and barring anything unforeseen, would be fairly dispositive.I suspect that Robles will be fired by Chief Roberts,based upon the evidence we have seen in the report and media.When and if he is fired I hope there is an outcry within the Democratic Party and the citizens of his district demanding his resignation from the Democratic Town Committee and as a State Representative.

    As a sidenote Rep Roldan and Senator Fonfara are still very much in Roble's corner, going so far as to "ban" from their 3-way mutual office,certain Democratic operatives known to be against Robles.

  2. It's kangaroo court so whatever the Chief said is how it will go.

  3. Mr or MS Anonymous at 11:27 AM..

    How can it be a "kangaroo court" when Hector himself in the initial interview and report thereof admitted to fabricating false time cards and admitted that he took money that wasn't his ? He also admitted that those 2 occurances are felonies.As you know the internal report recommends his termination.

  4. Everyone is entitled to a fair trial. You know that Bruce.

    Chief Roberts let the hearing board and department advocate know what he expects to happen to Robles. No matter what transpires in that room the hearing board will not want to buck their boss and will follow suit and recommend termination. This lack of a fair trial has nothing to do with the evidence.

    His fate was predetermined walking into that hearing. That's the very definition of a kangaroo court.

  5. Dear Mr or Ms Anonymous of 1:25 PM

    If you and Robles thinnk that he didnt get a fair trial internally, then please get Robles to agree that if he is arrested that he will take it to a trail, rather then take a plea bargain.Lets see if Robles and you will put your money where your mouth is.Please let us all know if Robles agrees not to accept a plea deal but instead will take it to a full trial like Perez did.

  6. I'm don't even know Robles and personally think he's guilty but that's not the point. You missed the point of him not getting a fair hearing because the Chief made it known what he expects the outcome to be before the hearing even started or you just don't want to admit you understand what I said. Either way, I'm disappointed you're a servant of our legal system.

  7. Sometimes when the facts are clear, the outcome is also very clear.

    Is the Cheshire home invasion trial a Kangaroo Court? Absolutely not, the facts are clear but the "system" requires a trial.

    The same is true of Robles's case. He has already admitted to falsifying documents and defrauding the city. The "system" requires though that he has a hearing before action is taken. I don;t think it is difficult for Chief Roberts to look at the facts and make a decision.

    I had a police officer call me last week claiming the hearing was a joke. I asked him if he had read the IAD report before making up his mind. He said no, it was what he was hearing.

    I provided the officer with a copy of the report to read. The following day he called me and said he was convinced, Hector was guilty. A complete 180 degree change in less than 12 hours

    Sometimes it pays to listen to the facts rather than the rhetoric.

  8. First off, do you two realize the Chief found Robles "guilty" and wanted him terminated BEFORE the hearing process? The Chief is not deciding Robles fate on this hearing. This is a critical distinction.

    I 100% disagree with both of you. You two keep saying "evidence this evidence that!" That is NOT the point. The point is Robles was found guilty by the "judge" before he even walked into the room to face the jury.

    You're right Kevin the Cheshire case had strong evidence showing guilt yet required a trial (just like OJ Simpsons case) but part of that trial process is it needs to be structured to remove as much biases as possible.

    What do to you think would have happened if that Cheshire case judge said to the jury the day before trial begin. "I already found the defendant guilty and recommend X for his punishment"? Wow, that case would be a mistrial so damn fast.

    The fact that cop did a 180 in his opinion is interesting but has nothing to do with Robles receiving a fair hearing.

    With all that said I personally think Robles is guilty but I also feel he was denied a fair hearing. It's about preserving a fair process for ALL people.

  9. So if during pretrial a person seems possibly innocent based on the evidence the trial/hearing should be conducted fairly and structured to remove as many biases as possible.

    However, if the evidence seems to show a lot of guilt screw the hearing/trial process it's just a formality. We can just wing it to get it over with?

    That's pretty much what you're saying Kevin.

  10. Sorry Kevin, It is a Kangaroo Court. Ask Captain Buyak what happened to him when he tried to be fair as a hearing officer (and the SBMA confirmed he was right).

  11. Oh yeah, if you think that the Robles report came out after the elections was a coincidence, you are wrong. It is a fact, they were afraid of the repercusions (ie Law suit from Robles) if they released it before the elections. That is not made up, that is fact. It was completed at least 14 days before the election. That was calculated based on the least liability. I know the chief is your boy, but open your eyes.
