Thursday, January 27, 2011


Mayor Pedro Segarra issued the following statement tonight:



(January 27, 2011) --- Mayor Pedro E. Segarra has issued the following statement:

Eric Jackson has tendered--- and I have accepted--- his resignation, which is effective immediately. With his resignation no further action can be taken; the internal investigation is now closed.

My administration and I have a zero tolerance policy regarding any claims of sexual harassment and we will investigate any and all claims with the seriousness and import that they deserve.”

Thank you Mr. Mayor, you can disregard those messages you never returned.


  1. Ummm, the investigation is over? How about criminal charges? Touching someone in a sexual manner against their will is a crime. I guess the ladies need to take their case to the police now.

  2. I'm sure the Mayor pressured Mr Jackson into resigning. Saves the city from an embarrassing investigation. Pedro made the right play here. Now Mr. Jackson is on his own for possible criminal charges.

  3. the bottom line is that Jackson is gone and the women who made the claims should feel more comfortable in the workplace.

    For the Mayor to claim that he took the high road and take claim for the "zero tolerance for sexual harassment is less than genuine. If there is a "zero tolerance", why did it take 17 days for him to make a move? Maybe the public scrutiny and the negative comments in a campaign year?

  4. Maybe he needed to make sure there was fire beneath the smoke? If he forces him based on nothing more than unproven allegations, Jackson can sue and win.

  5. "the "zero tolerance for sexual harassment is less than genuine"
    If it was not for this site, nothing would have changed. After Kevin reported it, there was no way for the mayor to put it back in the bottle. He was forced. He is no hero. Let's not forget that we are talking about at least 4 years. Some of the incidents go back 4 years. This has been a horror show and the City leadership is responsible.

  6. Big question is how much did they pay him to settle and leave. Did they make him whole for his pension?

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. It's over, no jodas, no more.

    No. It is not over. People suffered for years under this guy. There should be an investigation to find out how something like this could go on for so long without anybody doing anything. The root of the problem has to get fixed so people can come to work, do their jobs without having to put up with this kind of thing.

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. All I have to say is BRAVO!! Please know Pedro is an honorable person and anyone knows that if you remember the saying from your Grandmother "Patience is a virtue" or "Things happen in good time", or " Things happen for a reason" then you can relate to this situation and know the right decisions were made at the right time!

  11. Let's try to look at life like the "Secret" and know that if we think positive good things will happen! Good things can be done in numbers! God Bless!!

  12. "and the women who made the claims should feel more comfortable in the workplace."

    This was an affair that went on for years and went sour at the end.

  13. Pedro sent his CYA memo out but it isnt over.The ladies should get a lawyer and sue Jackson and the city for all sorts of causes of action and I hope soon.Pedro was FORCED to finally do something because of the strength of the blog and YOU ALL who bloged your disapproval.We now should go to the next step and support someone for Mayor who will take sexual abuse in the workplace seriously, because Pedro doesnt.

  14. The Hartford Courant true to their " hands off Pedro and Hartford" policy of the city desk editor will have nothing in the paper about this sordid affair.

  15. City Line ? you must mean "Puff Piece City Line" that is almost "house and garden" lmaoooo

  16. Cityline and City Hall coverage would be more in depth if Steve Goode was back at City Hall. Don't understand the editors' decision on that. We need a bare minimum of two reporters to cover the city. Also feel bad for Jeff Cohen -- his reporting talent is wasted on the radio and a blog no one reads. He would be having a field day with all that is still continuing on -- it's still the Perez administration no matter what way you look at it.

    What people DO read is Kevin's blog and they get results. Just think -- one of these harassed women approached Kevin for help and with his research and hunting down leads, he got this guy fired.

    That's the way journalism should work, but now efforts must continue. It is totally unacceptable that any criminal investigation cease. What, so Eric Jackson can remain free to go to another city and harass more women at another job?? Bring in the feds and the FBI. This involves the internet in the commission of threatening and retaliation.

  17. Now why couldnt they do this to e.genao

    1. Agreed about e.genao. He's been harassing young, female teachers for well over a decade now. Disgusting. We have to be anonymous or risk losing our jobs. Creep.

  18. anonymous at 11:30pm:

    Thanks, but just to clarify, I didn't get anyone fired, Jackson got himself fired. And I wouldn't feel too sorry for Jeff Cohen, I think he seems to be very happy in what he is doing and I've said here before that Jeff was a major influence when I started this blog and hopefully I can live up to his standards. The other is Len Besthoff who should be included in the success for the resolution of this issue so quickly. As much as I would like to take claim totally for Jackson's resignation, Len's digging and persistence in gathering information today I'm sure escalated the need for the city to respond as fast as they did.

    And thanks to Dennis House for mentioning "we the people" as the blog that uncovered this scandal on tonight's 11:00pm news.

  19. Kevin,
    Thanks for all you do. We the public appreciate it!

  20. Nice work Kevin. Another good job digging out unpleasant facts which many would just as soon not talk about.

  21. There is a God! :) And lots of us were praying!

  22. For the record - my mom reads my blog.

  23. Now Mr. Bookman investigate the Health and Human Services director. He doing a lot of playing around with his employees and one of his employee wife. And what is Evelyn Mantilla doing beside coming to work late and leaving early. When is he going to do something about the that chess pool at 131 Coventry Street?

  24. What!! The investigation is over. NO!! Mayor, thanks for nothing. He should have been out since the investigation came out. A lot of sexual acts that the pigs did should be consider Criminal..Victims please get an attorney soon and let them handle how the CITY OF HARTFORD handle "THE INVESTIGATION". Now he will just move out of state and continues the cycle.
    Reason why I moved out of Hartford!!

    Kevin Thank you if it wasn't for your blog!! Great Job.

  25. Obviously, Jackson exit represents progress. But, as expressed last May when considering Jackson's automotive abuse, I'm curious whether we need anyone to replace him, whether we need the MHIS dept at all. Last spring we were stipulating a department of about 40. Today's Courant reports Jackson "oversaw a department of about 60..." !!!

  26. Congradulations and good job Kevin....

  27. I hope folks noticed that Pedro got his legal office assistant a job at MHIS in violation of the hiring freeze....Kevin could you please check into this..

  28. Johnny, when you have have a professional, dependable, smart individual you don't referred them to work for a pig...No investigation needed.

  29. How many of Pedro law offices employees have jobs with the city? How long is the personnel director going to violate
    civil service rules? City hall needs a clean sweep. May the next council will have some balls and clean out the place. Let see how long before Aponte ex wife becomes DPW director. And some please tell the citizens what is Evelyn Mantilla and Noel Lugo jobs? help the tax layers out!

  30. Eric

    What goes around come around. That what you get for doing Eddie's dirty work. Hmmm the person you were trying to get rid of is still there and Eddie,Susan and now you are gone. Let see who else will be next.

  31. Kevin,

    Don' stop being the investigative blogger that you have become. Many people do not like the things that you report because they are directly or indirectly affected by the negative outcome of your reporting.

    On the other hand what you are doing is what the press is called upon to do. We the people of Hartford owe a debt of gratitude to your reporting as do a few other news outlets.

    Without an open transparent government, all we the people have are responsible media publishers such as yourself that will expose wrong doing in areas that the average citizen does not have access to.

    You have become a trusted source that we the people can give information to and those involved in corruption would do well to stop or else be very afraid of you reporting.

    Keep up the good work! I will expect the same level of scrutiny on the McCauley Administration when and if I become the next mayor of Hartford.

  32. A side note:

    This incident should make it clear that the Courant is no loner relevant. This should be cause for everyone to cancel their subscription to this stupid rag. You get more reporting from a site put up with one guy, than from the Tribune TV(61) and the paper together(courant). Courant should join the Hartford Times and close down. Then their friends in the city hall can move into their building just like they did with the Hartford Times building. If you read their reporting about this it is so weak:
    "oh...some official did something...I think..hmmm...maybe...hmmm"
    Close this rag down. Put it out of misery.
    It used to be a real force. Years ago...

  33. Courant is on just a place to store camera equipment for the TV station. Future is sites like this.It died a while back. The are keeping it alive on life support.

  34. Thanks for getting this out in the open Kevin. I heard there was a pizza party in the computer dept yesterday.

  35. Good luck finding a job Mr Jackson. You should get yourself some treatment before you head back out into the work force.

  36. What if he didn't do it? One woman was getting laid off, the other was unhappy about not getting a raise.
