Monday, February 21, 2011


Numerous sources are telling me that Southend businessperson Paul Mozzicato is about to announce his run for Mayor. At a Southend small business group meeting last week, Mozzicato apparently informally announced to the group that he intends to enter the race for Hartford's next Mayor.

An official announcement is expected soon.

Mozzicato ran unsuccessfully for City Council in 2007, losing out by a very small margin. Many think that Mozzicato's experience as a small business person in Hartford could play a key role in making retention and development of Hartford's small businesses a critical issue in the election.

1 comment:

  1. Cityline reported this last week over twitter. Mozzicatto is a great person and will be an exciting candidate. Unfortunately he literally disappeared since his run in '07. If he had stayed on the scene, he would have made a better case for change.
