Thursday, February 3, 2011


Apparently a press release issued this week has raised the hackles of Tax Collectors across the State of Connecticut.

In a press release issued by Mayor Segarra on February 1, 2011, Segarra stated "Due to the inclement weather, the parking ban, and the potential closing of City Hall on Wednesday, the last day to pay City property taxes has been extended until Thursday, February 3rd. A late penalty will not be applied until Friday, February 4th."

According to Connecticut State Law though, CGS 12-169 the city mayor can not waive the interest or late fees due to inclement weather according to several Tax Collectors from other municipalities across the State who exchanged e-mails after the press release was issued.

In the e-mails obtained by "we the people", one Tax Collector expressed her opinion regarding late payments, "People have known right along that their taxes were due. If you want to wait until the last minute that's the chance you take. We live in New England. Wait five minutes and the weather will change".

Once again, Hartford has shown that it is above the law and Connecticut State Law only applies to other Towns. One Tax Collector showed the high regard that Hartford is held in and his comments seem to explain it all...
"No offense to anyone associated with the lovely City of Hartford……but now you can see why things are so #@*$ up there!

Did I miss that day in class where the Mayor has the authority to override state statute or is this new legislation?"

Also, Hartford's Tax Collector apparently has never been certified as a Tax Collector by the State of Connecticut. Most of the others involved in the e-mail discussion have been certified, so they may actually know and understand Connecticut Law. Where was Hartford's Corporation Counsel, COO, Chief of Staff all of our high priced city hall staffers who should know better?

The names of the Tax Collectors and their municipalities have been withheld to protect the innocent. Oh well, at least some towns get it and follow the law.


  1. You would think the Mayor would check the law before doing whatever he wants. Maybe we need a Mayor who's a lawyer and understands how laws work. Oh' wait a second Pedro is a lawyer. What a joke he's turning out to be.

  2. Do your homework Kevin. Due to City Hall closing early on the last day to collect, the City is well within its right to extend the day for people who weren't able to make it in.

  3. ANONYMOUS AT 4:25pm:

    I did do my homework, can you say the same? Please cite for me anywhere in Connecticut State Statutes where this permission is given.

  4. It was clearly an act of kindness extended to the citizens of Hartford and I think the comments are mean and small.

  5. Nancy,

    It is clear what the intent was, but when do the laws on the books start having any meaning, or do they only apply to the other 168 towns and Hartford is free to do what they want?

  6. Eddie never followed the law, why should Pedro?

  7. Agree it was a nice gesture for taxpayers legal or not. Too bad this Hartford resident didn't know about it until I saw it on your blog. Doubt I was the only one who missed the opportunity.

  8. Remember, in every court case one lawyer will wind up a looser.

    Being a lawyer gives you the opportunity to interpret the law in your favor, or is that a Judge? I don't know, I don't have a law degree.

    But then I don't need one to understand that the Law is the Law and all parties are bound by it. This is simply outrageous and a clear abuse of power.

    The people will speak to this issue, the way that streets have been plowed in Hartford's North End, and the up coming catastrophe of trash pick up that has yet to be realized, in the November election.

  9. Seems to me there are a lot bigger and more harmful violations of the law that go on in Hartford than this. This is a city actually giving a damn about the welfare of its people. If someone "took their chances," waited to the last minute, and then got killed on the road trying to get to City Hall to pay their taxes due to the weather, how does that make things better for anyone? Find a more worthy windmill to tilt at ...

  10. What a joke he's turning out to be.
