Sunday, March 13, 2011


After months of hearings and delays, a decision is expected any day now in the Labor Board hearings into the wrongful termination complaint of former Hartford Fire Department Deputy Chief Dan Nolan.

Once the decision is rendered, all of the hearing transcripts become public documents and will be posted here. I'm sure they will provide some interesting reading. As a side note, five of the key players in apparently orchestrating Nolan's termination are no longer employed by the City of Hartford. Fire Chief Charles Teale, gone, Assistant Fire Chief Michael Parker, gone, Attorney Ivan Ramos from the Corporation Counsels Office, gone, Corporation Counsel John Rose, gone, and most importantly former Mayor Eddie A. Perez, gone.....and convicted.

Wouldn't it be ironic if a favorable decision is released on St. Patrick's Day?

1 comment:

  1. I hope a favorable decision is released on St. Patrick's Day. It would give Dan two reasons to celebrate. As for the major players for the city all being gone before the decision comes down,that is interesting. Coincidence? I think not.
