Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Apparently the Dan Nolan report is in the mail....finally.

There is no indication yet which way the decision will go but if I had to bet, I'm pretty confident the Nolan name will be cleared. The report was actually supposed to be released today, but according to sources it was only mailed today and hopefully will be arriving at Nolan's attorneys office in the next day or so.

As soon as I hear anything, it will be posted here. Much more information, such as transcripts and testimony that I think readers will find extremely interesting will also be posted here. The transcripts couldn't legally be used before the decision was released.

Also, video of a Worcester Massachusetts Fire Academy graduation will be posted here soon where recruits and Academy staff were praised for the exact actions that the Perez Administration and Chief Teale apparently terminated Deputy Chief Nolan for.

What a difference a border...and a little integrity makes.


  1. Anxiously awaiting, Kevin. Thank God for you and your blog! It will all be transparent then. I know it will make for some interesting reading. Keep up the good work.

  2. Dan can use his back pay to buy Eddie's house.
