Friday, April 29, 2011


If you read the blog regularly, you'll remember that a while back I asked the question "Who is Willie Edwards?.

Well, you have waited long enough and here is your answer.

Willie Edwards is a City of Hartford employee assigned to the Department of Public Works.On Saturday October 14, 2010, Willie was assigned to the DPW Transfer Station to supervise people dumping refuse and brush. AlthoughWillie appeared to be doing his job, he ran into a problem when he would not allow Charlie Ortiz to dump at the transfer station. Charlie Ortiz is the husband of Mayor Pedro Segarra. In the document below the "Description of Claim" clearly spells out the allegations that will result in yet another lawsuit against the City of Hartford

In the claim you will see that there is mention of an "investigation", I have asked DPW Director Kevin Burnham for that report, both by e-mail and in person. That report has not been provided to me as of yet."Willie Edwards Intent to File Suit


  1. I can't wait for the explanaition!....

  2. Let this be a lesson to you Willie Edwards. Doing your job properly in Hartford is the fastest way to losing it. LT Brooks will tell you the same thing.

    Segarra really turned out to be a class act. Who trained him Eddie?

  3. I love this, "Do you know who I am?" stuff. Yes, you are the boyfriend of the guy who runs a dump of a city which is a couple years away from grass growing in the streets. Really something to boast about.

  4. Do you know who I am? I am Sam, Sam I am. What a screwed up City. The guy deserves to get some cash from these idiots.

  5. Husband? Wife? Boyfriend? Spouse? What is this world coming to? The end is near

  6. Mr Issac is a supervisor? If what the statement says is true he should be fired. No wonder the City is so screwed up. YOU'RE FIRED!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Do you know who I am?
    The frequency with which the question is asked in our various bureaus and departments is disturbing.
    The law suit strikes me as b.s.; the charge that Mr. Edwards' stroke was caused by mistreatment on the job is far-fetched. But, whether Mr. Isaac should keep his job is open to question, and a determination of who precisely complained about Edwards should be made.

  8. For the record, I agree 100% with Ralph, and believe Illiad not written by Homer but by another guy with the same name.
