Sunday, April 24, 2011


I am still trying to make sense of actions by the City of Hartford in relation to the Dan Nolan termination. One of the main questions is how and why did it happen in the first place? Who in their right mind could fault someone for encouraging young adults entering into a career of public safety to become involved in charitable events?

I think the hearing officers report was pretty clear that the actions by the City of Hartford were not appropriate when he ordered Nolan re-instated with all back pay, benefits and seniority. That leads me to the next big question. Why is the City dragging its feet when it comes to getting Nolan back to work?

The clock has almost expired on the 30 day period that the City had to decide whether to bring Chief Nolan back or appeal the hearing officers decision. The report seemed pretty clear. There was no question what so ever as to Nolan's truthfulness or character. Even the City's witnesses seem to have been better witnesses in Nolan's favor.

But more interesting is the video below. On February 11, 2011 the Worcester Massachusetts Fire Department graduated their most recent recruit class of new firefighters. During the ceremony, a Lieutenant assigned to the Fire Academy speaks about efforts to get recruits involved in charity events and their efforts. He talks about raising funds for scholarships, collecting turkeys to donate to the Salvation Army and even chipping in to buy a piece of equipment for the Training Academy.

Clearly, if we go by the standard used in the Nolan case, this Lieutenant should be fired immediately.

Some of the layers are being peeled back though to shed light on the real reasons for Nolan's termination. It's a very interesting story involving a former Fire Chief, a corrupt Mayor, a City Councilwoman, a strip bar in Springfield, a Doctor specializing in Lasik surgery and his checkbook and don't forget to throw in a Union President to complete the picture.

Watch the video below, I left the bagpipes in at the beginning because I love hearing them, but the good part starts at about 3:20 minutes in.


  1. Bring it on Kevin! It's time for the truth to come out.

  2. Looking forward to everything being out in the open. It's time the cowards were exposed!
