Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Numerous sources are telling me that two Assistant Chief's at the Hartford Police Department have been told that their positions will be eliminated as a result of budget cuts made last night by the Hartford City Council.

Both Assistant Chief Brian Heavren and Assistant Chief John Horvath have apparently been told that July 1, 2011 will be their last day at HPD. Although it is being explained as the result of budget cuts, it seems hard to ignore the fact of the impending "independent investigation" that is looming over the Chief's complex at Jennings Road. Both Horvath and Heavren as well as every other Deputy Chief, Assistant Chief and even Chief Roberts himself potentially will be under scrutiny as a result of allegations of wrongdoing.

Much of this has been brought to light as a result of the Internal Affairs Commander, Lieutenant Neville Brooks, being abruptly removed from his position . Allegations have been made that Brooks was conducting IAD investigations that involved members of the Chief's ranks that were coming too close to the "Exalted" class of Chief's. The Chief's paint a different picture that Brook's was discourteous in the interviews of them, although recordings made of the interviews apparently don't back those claims up.

Sources familiar with the recordings claim that the questionings were professional and in line with normal practices. At least two of the Chief's were actually given their Garrity rights before being questioned which apparently insulted the "exalted" even more.

As a side note, other sources have advised me that the "independent investigation" may be conducted by the New York State Police, the same agency that was requested to conduct a review of the Connecticut State Police a few years ago. No official confirmation is available on that yet.This could be problematic for HPD if many of the comments posted here prove true, as the investigation will not be a whitewash of the information, but will actually go where the truth leads investigators.

This promises to go deeper as the hornet's nest is poked more and the information keeps coming out.

The budget cuts aren't a definite done deal yet as the Mayor could veto the Council's resolution. It seems that there would be the necessary votes to override the Mayor's veto by the Council. The other side of the coin though is that the Mayor is most likely not thrilled with any hint of a scandal being condoned by him in an election year, and a hotly contested election at that. The selective cuts by the Council seem to be sending a pretty clear message.


  1. Apparently Lester and Daryl didn't get the hint, go figure… Hey DKR, word around city hall is that those cuts are meant for you and McCrash (go ahead and ask around). THEY WANT YOU TO GO!!! Anyway, I wouldn’t expect you two to walk away, so stand your ground. Hold your heads up high, your department is something to be proud of. In the end (even right now) you will be the most sued and investigated Chief’s in HPD history. Congrats, you’ve left your mark. Look at it this way, as the lowest scoring lieutenant, you’ve gone farther and higher than anyone, and I mean anyone ever thought you would. Yup, you are a walking example of the “Peter Principle”. Here’s what that means-

  2. Sgt Marty Miller is a awesome supervisor! Love ya Marty keep up th good work.

  3. More lawsuits are coming. Stay tuned...

  4. Chief Roberts, why don't you eliminate Lester McCrash instead of one of the other Chiefs? The department would benefit from additional savings by not having to fix his cruiser every year. Also, the ladies working at 10-2 would feel safer, reducing the sexual harassment lawsuits.

  5. If Sgt. Marty Miller was promoted to the rank of Police Chief, the department would run unbelievably good.

  6. True, they didn't have to curve the Sergeants test for Marty, they did for Daryl.

  7. There's a lot of guys who would make good Chiefs. Now that Eddie is gone we might see that happen. Yes, Sgt. Miller is one of the best supervisors out there.

  8. McCrash was not ivestigated for sexual harrassment in the records division. Brookman FOI'd it and amazingly Ursala Wiebusch says it doesn't exist. Who made the complaint? any details?

  9. How about the girl that works in records that got financial aid from Mccrash to purchase a home and is now slated to start in the next academy class.....look out she will make Sgt in no time.....what a joke...gotta love this place....such a mess...i welcome the justice dept...state police or anyone else to feel free to dig away...and dig deep...

  10. Yeah, what's her name, i can't think of it. She'll take the place of a qualified recruit. I can't wait for this investigation to begin and conclude. It'll shed some light.

  11. Mccrash tested for his position and cannot be cut w/o just grounds

  12. As a citizen of this city who reads this blog on a regular basis, I find it frustrating that many people that respond, respond under " ANONYMOUS ", If they feel that they have posted factual responses, then they should post their name.

  13. life is trully a circle and once it's complete it's all over. DKR deserves what he get's for allowing Horvath to run HPD. Just look at how he promoted his boy Cpt. Sansom. Are you kidding me?That is an insult to all the men and woman who have really earned that promotion.

    Horvath and Sansom seem to forget all the minorities they unjustly fired by fabricating information and manipulating DKR. They thought they were what goes around comes around. Now Horvath knows how it feels. Maybe Sansom can support him until he get's fired too.
    It's about time a real Mayor sees thru the eyes of corruption.

    There will be so many more worms coming out of that can.

  14. S. Harris,

    You really can't blame the anonymous posts by HPD officers and city officials. You can plainly see from reading previous blogs that history has proven if you say or do something, that someone who has a little bit of power doesn't like, you're up a creek.

  15. Mr. Harris and I assume this is retired HFD S.Harris. They can not post their names because they will come after the officers who dare to do that with such a vengeance that he or she would not be employed by the end of the year (at least not by HPD). I already feel sorry for Sgt. Miller, his supporters have unintentionally put a target on his back. Under the last administration he was considered one of the worst supervisors in the department. Now with the guys and gals who really matter giving him kudos, he may end up as supervisor of the maintenance crew (they wouldnt even care if it violates our collective bargaining agreement). Thanks guys. Marty was my friend. I'll miss you man!

  16. Marty Miller and maybe three others are probably the best that HPD has. The rest of these ''GooD ol Boys'' need to go.

  17. Just think how much money Mc Coy gets paid to drive a take home city vehicle and go to the records unit to chase tail. Wow. I think its around 111k a year. Must be nice.

  18. Certain members, human beings, in this department get a little power and it goes to their head.
    And all these issues, well most of them are a result of minor disagreements with personnel issues. really. Really. The command staff and several Headquarter Capts. think they can ''bully'' around human beings. The first lesson they need to learn is respect is earned. No given. If anyone has anything negative to say about marty Miller, He has the support of his troops, and that is what counts, not how far you can push ur chest out and bully people.

  19. There are not just certain individuals that need to go..

    There is a certain attitude change that needs to be relayed to members of the Command Staff. Not all, just certain bullies, that tend to come to work with an agenda and the need to pick on others.

    Certain individuals have oversteped their authority and even mixed personnel dislike into it. Grow up. really.

    most of the incidents are real, and they did happen.

    The kindergarden ''good ole boy'' regime needs to grow up.

  20. Is it any wonder why Mc Coy gets away with these high school emergency haircuts ?

    BECAUSE HE IS A CHIEF The city was also dumb enough to pay him 120K a year and a free car.

    I've seen worse......

  21. I really hope, that this independeant investigation weed out all agenda driven bullies. Lester is the least of the problems. He is actully comical.

    We have some far worse and evil up and coming agenda driven ''good ole boys''

    A line needs to be drawn by city hall.

  22. This is the first time i have looked at this blog. Most of the incidents (sadly enough) are true.

    The Robles issue- not the only one.Dont blame Daily. Daily is a good guy. Not agenda driven.

    the Foley incident- The biggest jokster in the dept. sueing the chief for calling him a cartoon character? waste of tax maney.

    The Condon thing with Horvath- no evidence of anything, and even so, condon does a better job then half the dept, who cares. more wasted tax money

    towing vehicles at police headquarters- are you serious, i thought it was a rumor, but that is extremely low. i guess all the illegally parked personnel vehicles in front of the x-l center on a uconn home game need to be towed......really .

    The rashim Campbell arrest- did exactly what every officer who has ever worked in booking has done. Plus, the public does not see the drunken criminals who attempt to assault police in booking.

    Above all, these could have all been avoided.
    remember, we are all human beings..

  23. Mr. X says.....
    There is no evidence that shows that the records workers dislike MC Coy. everytime i walk by, i see him in there sitting on a desk, working his swagger and charm ..
