Tuesday, May 31, 2011


How did the Hartford Police outside investigation actually get started? Well first off, I don't think any of the information was even public until it started getting posted here. Eventually attorneys began calling for outside investigations, it started with the Attorneys for Lt. Neville Brooks after he was abruptly removed from his position as Commander of Internal Affairs. It escalated after Rashim Campbell was exonerated of criminal allegations against him when a jury acquitted him. His attorney has raised allegations of improper techniques and even possibilities of false testimony by the IAD investigator, Lt. Robert Ford.

The attorney's for Lt. Brooks even went so far as to mention "the blog" in their request for an outside investigation. It appears that there was more than enough pressure brought to bear on the Chief and Mayor before they launched their "independent investigation". On Thursday, Chief Roberts, in a memo to his officers and staff, advised that the investigation was ordered after he informed the Mayor of "internal matters". I think it was more outside pressure than any move to fully investigate the matter by the Mayor or Chief that led to the outside investigation.

Here is the Chief's memo to "all personnel". The actual investigation is expected to begin on Thursday.

IAD Review Memo From Chief


  1. Let's analyze this latest damage control move on Roberts' part.

    A) Roberts decided to make up this memo on his own. If so did he not realize the Mayor would read it and instantly think "that's not how it happened my Chief is a liar."

    B) Roberts ran this fake memo idea by the Mayor first and the Mayor agreed because it looks better in the public's eye if the order for an internal investigation comes from the Chief himself. If this is the case the Mayor and Roberts are just putting on a dog and pony show with this investigation and everyone will come out looking good during an election year.

    C) Roberts really did ask the Mayor for help. Highly unlikely a Chief who believes he and his command staff have exalted status would ever want an outsider digging through his "home" searching for dirt.

    My money is on A or B.

  2. I'm surprised the memo didn't ask who wanted overtime shredding and burning document throughout the next few days.

  3.    I recently overheard a conversation on the 2nd floor, I won't mention any names but I will quote word for word; ".....Yeah, don't worry about it, Frank is gonna take care of the investigation, we're all set." That's all I heard walking by, I couldn't quite hear a response to it.
      All of us who are submitting info to the email account that Frank has set up will know whether or not if this is all bogus if what is provided to him in the emails is actually addressed in the investigation results. It seems to me that they are just digging themselves a bigger hole having this guy lead the investigation. Time will tell. 

  4.    I recently overheard a conversation on the 2nd floor, I won't mention any names but I will quote word for word; ".....Yeah, don't worry about it, Frank is gonna take care of the investigation, we're all set." That's all I heard walking by, I couldn't quite hear a response to it.
      All of us who are submitting info to the email account that Frank has set up will know whether or not if this is all bogus if what is provided to him in the emails is actually addressed in the investigation results. It seems to me that they are just digging themselves a bigger hole having this guy lead the investigation. Time will tell. 

  5. James Brown (good god)May 31, 2011 at 7:47 PM

    Typical DKR to try and take credit for something he had nothing to do with. If my memory serves me an older blog had a letter to the Chief from the Union asking that this investigation be conducted by an agency outside of the PD. Then it wasn't until the Union co signed a letter from Lt. Brook's attorney did the Mayor take action.

    Interesting to say the least ,so explain how DKR asked for the external review? Didn't he assign the investigation to one of his deputy chiefs??? Just like the neighborhood policing plan he had nothing to do with developing it but was quick to put his name to it to give everyone the impresion he was doing something to make himself look good. Smoke and mirrors.

    This memo shows you the lack of integrity from the Chief's office to clIm credit for something he had nothing to do with good going DKR, you are consistant.

  6. You totally stole my thunder! (I’ll write it anyway) When the Chief says he asked for this investigation, it is about as ridiculous as when he says he (co) wrote the 'Neighborhood Policing Plan'.
    DKR has not been in Comstat for a month. Any guesses why? He has not addressed his command staff nor commented on any of the incredible turmoil within the department, interesting. General Chaos is running the department, and zero, absolutely zero leadership from DKR. Zero communication to his managers. I guess when your leadership style and actions are made public, you run and hide. It’s embarrassing- for him. It’s embarrassing and demoralizing for the entire department. It’s almost as if he is embarrassed to show his face around, like he is ashamed of this big hot sloppy mess.

  7. It's funny, and sad; for years all of DKR's little lies and bully moves went unnoticed. Now, all of a sudden, because of this blog, DKR has a light shined on him and it's not pretty. He cant slip this bullshit past his officers anymore. DKR might have to actually think, and seek good advice (not McKrash) before making a move. This latest memo is a perfect example. He's been doing it for years. All you future chiefs, please learn from DKR's mistakes.

  8. DKR

    Done-retired after the Hartford Democratic Primary.

  9. Anon 9:43
    I hope your right.
