Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Channel 30 just reported at 11:00PM that Hartford is the 14th most violent City in America based on recently released FBI crime statistics. New Haven is listed as the 4th most violent.

Haven't we been told repeatedly that crime is down in Hartford? Good thing, otherwise we might have been number 1.

Hartford had 1,293 violent crimes per 100,000 people. There were 21 murders per 100,000 people, more than double the national average.


  1. First off, a lot, I do mean a lot of seroius crimes that occur in the city are downgraded to lesser violations.
    Like a burglary that magically becomes property damage.
    or the suspicious shots fired that comes in on a daily basis. You know the city has gotten more violent when shots fired comes in anytime before 11 in the morning. The gang problem does seem to be getting worse, but according to command staff, there is no problem....

  2. i think i will bring my family for ice cream on albany ave, and take a nice walk in Keney park to admire the lovely wildlife. (I mean the actual animals)

  3. James. Brown (good god)May 26, 2011 at 9:13 PM

    They cook the books to reduce the actual numbers., just like they burn the time cards to cover their ass. I am sure Hector Robles' attorney is going to be all over them like a cheap suit. If they destroyed records he was asking for under his FOI request oh boy watch the sparks fly.
    Hey Pedro I suggest you call that sorry excuse for a Chief of Police into your office and advise , no, tell him, not to destroy anymore records because it won't be Frank doing the investigation it will be the DOJ with warrants in hand.

    Oh yeah just a little advise DKR if you lie to a federal agent iit's a minimum if 5 years, so think before you speak when they show up at your door step they are not a Winsor PD officer that you can blow off.

  4. They must be all bad shots in New Haven because I believe they are nowhere close to Hartford's 14 murders.

  5. james Brown. U are 10000% right. My only question is who had the NASA rocket scientist brain capacity to have someone actaully put sticky notes on boxes of time cards with the word ''burn''. They must be geting legal advise from the muppet show......City Council needs to step in and end this mickey mouse cartoon.....

  6. Mr X @ 1100 pm
    The council is part of the problem. They made a recommendation to cut 300 k from the command staff budget and then back peddled when Horvath starts to make phone calls to anyone who will listen in the north end. I am pretty sure he did not call anyone in the south end, a white guy taking a page right of the eddie perez play book to keep his job, wow. The only difference is that R Jo Winch is playing the part of Abe Giles.
