Monday, May 2, 2011


Is there enough going on inside the Hartford Police Department to warrant a visit from the Justice Department investigators?

A couple weeks ago I would have probably said no, but now my blinders are off and I think I would have to answer with an emphatic YES. I think many people, including Chief Roberts, underestimated the fallout from the transfer of Lt. Neville Brooks as the IAD commander.

For the past week I have been receiving phone calls from individuals familiar with incidents that are very disturbing. Allegations of improprieties of everything from missing cash during search warrants, to an alleged drug dealer repeatedly being charged with crimes because the detective making the arrests had a sexual relationship with the drug dealers girlfriend. By arresting the dealer, it freed up the girlfriend to spend uninterrupted time with the detective.

There are many more allegations of a serious nature, but I think you get the point that something is not right here.

Aside from the issues with the HPD Chiefs feeling that they are above scrutiny, it erodes the public's confidence in the process. According to a CHRO complaint filed by LT. Brooks with the State of Connecticut, he claims that Chief Roberts had instructed him that the Chief's had an "exalted status so that the usual protocols did not apply". Are you kidding me? If anything the rules should apply to the Command staff even more, I think it is called "leadership by example".

It is also interesting to me that Chief Roberts would take the time to attend roll calls all weekend long attempting to discredit the blog and call the entries "lies" and "one sided". The information coming out will most likely prove the opposite.

This is the time that Mayor Segarra, who constantly speaks of "transparency", needs to step up and demand a complete and full examination of HPD.

Anyone wishing to document additional information, please feel free to contact me.

To read Lt. Neville Brooks CHRO complaint, click below:
CHRO Complaint Lt Brooks


  1. As a Hartford police officer the short answer is "yes". It's way over do. If the DOJ does come in, and I think they will before this is over, keep an eye on the names who suddenly resign. Sorry, if I used my real name I would be sitting next to Neville tomorrow morning while the city trumped up a reason to terminate me.

  2. Take note public, this is how DKR treats good people who work for him and the city. What a shame they are putting Neville through this. It's not wonder moral is at an all time low. DKR aren't you a deacon at a church? Are you kidding me? You should be getting therapy with your free time instead. Neville sue the sh*t out of them and good for you standing up to their fowl practices. DKR you can go to as many roll calls as you want. You just make a fool of yourself and draw even more attention to yourself. What do you expect from a guy who get's a 50% on his SGT exam and can't get enough of being on TV? Eddie only appointed him because his character is weak and that's how Eddie liked his subordinates. Oh' that and for the north end votes.

  3. Wow. It's getting hot. Well DKR, do you give your chief buddies special treatment? I am not accusing you of anything, or slinging mud, just asking.

    DKR or Pedro- Here is an easy question: Was Assistant Chief McKoy disciplined for not making proper notification after his first accident (we know he was found at fault for the operation error, but was he specifically disciplined for not making notification until days later)?

    It's an easy question; why not answer it at your next roll call appearance? Or maybe comstat, or maybe next monday night....

    I'm willing to bet everybody already knows the answer. It makes me wonder about all of the IADFiles involving complaints against McKoy. Were they investigated legitimately?

    Here's the crazy part, this little quiz is nothing compared to the allegations made by Lt. Brooks. Good luck Neville, you have been wronged. Get ready to pay Hartford....

  4. Don't know who should be called, but it's pretty clear that New England's Rising Ghetto has trouble governing itself. Of course, in large part the difficulties are imposed upon it by the Nutmeg State, but is there absolutely no possibility that our very strong Mayor or our very progressive Council might make any inquiry whatsoever?

  5. In all seriousness, Kevin, how do we make this happen? The DOJ needs to investigate a lot of things in this city. It's going to take the Feds to clean up Hartford. How do we get them here?

  6. Why are the comments moderated by the author?

  7. The comments are moderated because prior to doing so, some comments were degrading into personal attacks that were not relevant to the topic. I try to stay with the facts and avoid personal attacks. On;y one comment has been kept off in regards to this controversy. I would imagine you know the comment I am referring to. Although the comment might say a lot about someones integrity, if we posted about everyone at HPD that had an improper relationship, the pages here would be full.

    There will be more than enough information to come out evntually that who is sleeping with who will probably be irrelevant in the greater picture.

  8. Kevin bring it up at the public speaking session at the counsel meeting on Monday and see what they do. See if they believe in having a functional or disfunctional police dept. that serve their neighborhoods. If its anything like they function then we know the answer.

  9. It would seem like a Bachelors degree would be required to be an Assistant Chief. What are the requirements in other cities?

  10. I hope that people dont start to think that all HPD Cops are bad. Trust me, this is a problem that a lot of cops want to see go away. Out with this old uneffective way to police and in with the New Productive way to police. With leaders that will treat all cops fair and help bring up the overall MORAL in the Department. These leaders had nothing back in their patrol days and want to keep it that way, just because thats all they know. Lots of tools and different ways to police that can actually help both the citizens and police in Hartford. Lets clean house and start a bigger, better more effective HPD. Just in time to open the new PD and start a new chapter of "Police in Hartford."

  11. Like any community, a 10% average commit criminal acts. The same goes for police departments, all cops know that there is a 10% average of officers on their department that are less than ideal people for the position. Of course in a larger department like the HPD that 10% can be 40 officers give or take, with degrees of integrity issues from one to the next, leaving 400 or so that are upstanding people all around. Bringing me to my point, this is to be expected by everyone involved, what's missing is the proper discipline techniques and procedures. An issue such as this with Lt. Brooks with the HPD's IAD, the heart of proper discipline, is a huge red flag for that 10% average to increase dramatically. The DOJ should have the HPD on the top of their 'to do' list.

  12. DKR did not get a 50% on his sergeants test-his score was actually a 57. In fact the passing grade for the exam was lowered (originally set at 70) three times in order to reach DKR. Where was the outcry then?
