Friday, May 20, 2011


Even though it seems like a lot of questionable activities are taking place at Jennings Road, there is still some good police work going on.

One such incident happened today.

Thefts of copper piping from both occupied and unoccupied buildings are becoming a huge problem as the scrap price for copper continues to rise. These thefts are negatively impacting the city's crime figures as part 1 crimes. Even the new Public Safety Complex is not immune as much of the newly installed copper pipe was stolen from the building this week.

An observant HPD officer was working a construction job today when he observed a vehicle pass him with lengths of copper pipe sticking out of the trunk of the car. A description of the car was broadcast and the vehicle was followed to a scrap yard in the North Meadows. The pipe was identified as having just been stolen from a Hartford Housing Authority apartment complex.

The copper thief and his car were taken off the street, at least for the day.


  1. Mr Brookman.

    Thanks for the latest post. We all know scandles and bad news sells papers. To bad you don't have a seperate blog for all the good police work being done on Jennings Road!

    I bet no one would read it though.

    All the good things like the Sergeant who ran over to an accident scene and assisted removing an elderly man from a burning ar wreck!

    These things go unoticed because the officers are just doing what you expect them to do. I am glad we have dilligent hard working men and women protecting our streets.

    I hope the Mayor and the Chief figure how to support these guys and soon. Good or bad they are all we have that stand between us an those who would do us harm.

    Wonder if any one else in the City would care to share something Positive about the police department???

  2. James Brown (good god)May 21, 2011 at 5:19 PM

    DKR will probably take credit for that at comstat trying to save his job. He is as good as out just as thin leather ties and parachute pants were in the 90's. Unless your Lester who still wears them.

  3. And processed hair. He's the 6th Heartbeat.

  4. Did somebody say Daryl and homophobic in the same sentence? lol. For the record, I didn't write that.

  5. Speaking of Comstat isn't that one of the venues that he made reference to Foley being a homo. Oh yeah if DKR says thing like that it's ok because he's the Chief of police I can tell you one thing if that was a white Chief he would of been shown the door a long time ago. The few votes from the northend are going to be worth the payout the city will have to make Foley in the end the longer DKR stays the more the cash register keeps ringing for Foley. Good for Foley bad for the city

  6. I think DKR called him Sponge Bob, essentially the same as calling him a 'homo'

  7. Wowzers! I didn't write that one either.

  8. So I tried to get this out of the gutter, but even the people at HPD can't even say something good about what goes on at 50 Jennings Road. That leads me to believe that hatred has blinded them to everything including the positve actions of their co-workers. Maybe instead of posting negative comments these officers (kinda obvious by their comments that they are the police) should look for new employment with those they are critical of. I searched this entire blog and it seems the only positive thing outside of what I posted is some guy named Sgt Miller. Oh wellmake him the chief or put him in charge. At least it would be a POSITIVE place to start. Good luck HPD

  9. The next Chief doesn't necessarily have to be from within HPD. There are police officers from all over that are groomed from very early on to be Chiefs. Whether or not Hartford has someone already being groomed for the position I couldn't tell you. I can say that it couldn't hurt for Hartford to look elsewhere for someone to come in and start to get HPD back on track and bring morale back up.

  10. The only way things would be fair at HPD, is to hire from outside the PD for the position of Chief. Everyone and I mean Everyone at HPD has their own "Click" or what they call "Drinking Buddies.". If they do hire from within, then I would hope it's one of my friends.

  11. first off, how does Spongebob put in a contex of Homsexual activity? Do you really think that if there was any reference in that cartoon, that the networks would keep it on the air?
    Foley has called, played jokes on and even bullied way more people then Chief Roberts. So big deal, the chief made fun of his hair.

    Foley has spend days and nights playing jokes on and humiliating fellow emplyees. He is just upset because someone stood up to him.

    Foley used to be an excellent street boss as a sgt. but, aas soon he got a taste of power, he lied, cheated, and bullied.

    Foley or Roberts is not the problem here. Spongebob has nothing to do with it.

    If a complaint was filed every time foley called someone a derogatory name, they would need a dozen more investigators in IAD.....time to grow up

  12. Anonymous at 4:14 must be from the command staff with that kindergarten reasoning. Foley teased me so why can't I do it? Really that's how your thought process works in what should be a professional environment?

  13. To anonymous at 6:28 , I just write what i observe. I guess it is ok in ur mind to think that. U are entitled to your opinion. But Foley has done far worse including covering up a bar brawl in middletown which included former command staff. I guess this is proper behavior for any high ranking official. All involved should be punished fairly.....

  14. Lets try to stay on the issue here, and that was Lt. Brooks being removed when he got too close to the "exalted" class during an IAD investigation.

    As far as Lt Foley, unless there was another incident, it wasn't a bar brawl in Middletown, it was breaking a table while singing Karaoke in Rocky Hill. To the best of my knowledge, there were no other members of the command staff present that night, other than Foley and another LT. who has since retired. A retired HPD Asst. Chief was there, but I think that was it and a few other retired officers.

    I think you will see in a couple posts later this week that Foley paid dearly for that incident as opposed to others who have done far worse and received far less discipline

  15. CAPTAIN BUYAK FOR CHIEF!!! A REAL COP! Any other votes for the guy who gets to work 1st EVERYDAY and does THE JOB?

  16. Another Capt Joe FanMay 23, 2011 at 11:54 PM

    Capt. Joe for Chief!

    Wow now that is inspiring! He still wears his uniform proudly everyday! Officers young and old look up to him. He steps out on every call and backs up everyone! He speaks his mind. He seems to have a moral fiber running through him as well as ethical thoughts! (He voted on the facts and not the way the chief wanted him to in discipline hearings) He has survived a near death experience! And he looks fetching in his uniform and AR-15! I also hear he does a great impression of an "Interpol Investigator!" so I guess you could say he is worldly????

    So why is he not a Chief???

  17. I vote Captain Joe Buyak for chief also, command staff; Lt. Foley and Capt. Long Assistant Chiefs, Sgt. Miller and Sgt. Spell Deputy chiefs, now police work would get done and employees and citizens would be happy!!!!!!

  18. I second the "Capt.. Joe" fan's motion. If anyone has learned a tough lesson from the DKR regime it's Joe Buyak. A man who did his job as a hearing officer and then gets penalized for not succumbing to DKR's wishes by finding Foley not guilty of the more serious charge alleged. When you don't do what DKR wants you get shafted.
    Capt. Joe for Chief.

  19. I don't think the new Union President would allow any shenanigans unlike the old one who would sell his membership out for his personal gain.

  20. I agree with CPT Buyak for Chief. There's a guy with integrity who never wavers even when being beat down by Roberts and gang.

    Getting rid of Richie as union president was a great step in the right direction. He was selling out union members to the city just to further his political desires. Two faced and sneaky to the core. He landed in IAD as one of the Chief's personal henchmen. Go figure.

  21. This is what it comes down to... No matter who is "Upstairs," if you stay out of trouble and DO your job, they can't do anything to you.

  22. that last comment is not true. If the 2nd floor really dislike you, they can find a make your life miserable. But it is ok, because officers become civilians sooner or later, and these power hungry individuals will not be able to deal with not being able to tell others what to do.

  23. Anonymous 12:10, although I appreciate you endorsing my Captain Joe for Chief brigade, the others are kind of a reach with the exception MM (he would actually take Kots spot tho). Could you imagine Chief JB pulling over cars w/his 3stars and AR? CLASSIC

  24. I fully endorse Joe Buyak for Chief. If the dept had a vote, he would get more votes then obama did in the last election.
    He would have class and fairness as chief, and i do agree, it would be so motivating to see him pulling over cars as chief.


  25. Wow, the HPD union pres is just like HFD Pres Fusco!!1 Good God!
    I don't know JB but I dimly remember that before DKR became chief there was an acting chief who I believe had the support of the community as well as the rank and file (I think) and that Felon ex-mayor Perez wouldn't even consider him. Would Hartford be in this mess if the best, from within the department back then, had been given the job he more than earned. Sadly, I can't remember his name (it's been so long) but I was thrilled that it took me several minutes to recall Perez' name and it's not quite been a year yet!

  26. If miller becomes deputy chief then the dept is a color day everyone looking fresh out a dumpster. Nice guy have to agree.
