Saturday, June 11, 2011


Southend activist and sometime political candidate Alyssa Peterson is calling on Chief States Attorney Kevin Kane to act on the Hector Robles delaying tactics after his recent arrest.

Robles still has not entered a plea in Court after his arrest on felony charges. According to Robles' attorney, that delay is apparently being caused by the City of Hartford's lack of transparency and stalling tactics in providing Robles with documents requested through an FOI request.

The lack of a plea does seem unusual to many observers.Some of the claims such as asking the Judge for a continuance until after an FOI hearing, even though his attorneys had actually asked for the FOI hearing to be delayed themselves are raising questions. Some are questioning if Robles wasn't a State Representative if he would be given the same "courtesies".

Peterson unsuccessfully tried to get the 6th District Democratic Town Committee to reconsider the nomination for Robles's seat when she raised the issue of his alleged criminal activity and the ongoing IAD investigation at the Hartford Police Department. Robles denied the accusations and was eventually arrested by the States Attorney's office, after his reelection to the Legislature

Peterson's request to Chief States Attorney Kevin Kane is posted below.
Alyssa Peterson Letter


  1. She is a nut job, no matter how much she tries she will not get elected to office. The Robles case is not as cut and dry as she thinks. There are a lot of hurdles to clear to get a jury to be convinced beyond a reasonable doubt. Especially after HPD burnt a whole mess of time and attendance records.

  2. The FOI hearing was postponed by the FOI Commission not Robles' counsel. Yet another lie advanced by Alyssa Peterson.

  3. To the two Anonymous posts -- get a backbone and post your names. I've been called far worse, especially by Hector's mother on election day!! But she like many, had no idea about the admissions Hector had already made under oath about his crimes and his poor performance.

    For the sake of himself and his family, Hector should take some sort of deal vs. taking the same risk as Eddie Perez. That jury "shut down" when they heard the dyslexia defense. Hector's jurors will shut down when they hear about his "lazy cop syndrome" and what an awful, non-performing CSO he was for many years.

    And please, save your anger for Hector. I have nothing to do with his alleged crimes, the cops he accused of doing the same, or the attention he's brought to the conduct of senior HPD officials. He may potentially ruin many other cops' careers other than his own, with his accusations.

    As regards the FOI hearing, according to Wendy and her records at the FOI Commission, Robles' attorney Kaitlin Halloran cancelled the May 24th meeting. The FOI commission postponed the meeting on June 30th. My letter is concerned with the MAY MEETING.

    But thanks for the posts, you just jogged my memory. I will follow up to the Chief State's Attorney's office with a copy of an email letter I received last summer BEFORE the election. Even when so many media outlets had FOI'd the Robles Report, and even when an FOI Commission attorney instructed the City to release the report, City Hall ignored the FOI attorney. So truly, there is no guarantee whatsoever the City will release anything. They have a lengthy track record of refusing to release documents and that should not be used as an excuse not to plead.

    The City of Hartford delayed the release of Angel Morales' police documents to Kevin Brookman for almost a year. That hearing is TOMORROW, June 13th at 10 AM. Let's see what the author of this great blog will dig up then ....

  4. angel morales wears blue boxers when he dances before young men...he can be seen working on the campaign of Pedro Segarra for Mayor.

  5. Isn't holloran in a relationship with Roldan that state rep no ones knows about
