Friday, June 17, 2011


Hartford's 4th District State Representative Kelvin Roldan today ended his exploratory flip flop adventure and announced that he has finally decided what he wants to be when he grows up....Hartford's City Treasurer.

Apparently that decision, or the delay in arriving at it, didn't sit well with the Hartford Democratic Town Committee. Roldan made his announcement just hours before the HDTC was scheduled to interview the announced candidates for Treasurer and Mayor. Roldan did show up at Bulkeley High School loaded with his literature handouts ready to finally jump into the process, but he was not allowed to participate.

According to HDTC Chairperson Jean Holloway, their was a process and a schedule for submitting resumes and being invited for interviews. Roldan chose not to follow the process .

Roldan didn't miss much though since only a handfull of HDTC members even bothered to show up to hear the Treasurer or Mayoral candidates speak. Tonights interviews were even more poorly attended than the Council candidates interviews last night. Wednesday about 25 HDTC members were in and out throughout the night, tonight maybe about a doze n showed up.

It was far from any show of courtesy to the candidates that took the time to show up or even to members of the public that attended. It is a tribute to old-style Hartford politics where it is not about evaluating the candidates and making the best choice. If it was, all 64 HDTC members would have made it a point to be there and do what they were elected to do. Instead it showed that they have either made up their minds without evaluating the possibilities or, worse yet, they just don't care.

With a system as flawed as this one and so loaded with political patronage, it might just make sense to skip the endorsements and let everyone go to a primary and see who survives. It would be interesting to see all of the candidates have to work to gain their offices


  1. I guess we're all happy you know the gossip and have an opinion on the DTC, but how were the interviews? Was there anyone who stood out? Who are the treasurer candidates other then Roldan?

  2. Are you saying you didn't read anything about this in the mainstream media?

    Maybe you should be directing your comments to them and ask why events like this that potentially will shape Hartford's future are not being covered

  3. The Courant and especially the city reporter are in the tank for Segarra and will not cover anything negative about Pedro except when Pedro puts out " rose garden" swarmy press releases from city hall. Pedro is ably using his title and city hall as a sort of surrogate campaign headquarters,all paid by Hartford residents.

  4. Roldan is under federal investigation after he opened an office in puerto Rico with his name money that was allegedly taken from Hartford. The name is on facebook Casa de la juventud Kelvin roldan things he don't do here in the community he is doing somewhere else

  5. Wow Anon 7:26, you really no idea wtf you're talking about, do you? That "office" you talked about is a community center named after Roldan because his family is from that town. Just gotta love all the anonymous rumors that get started here. This is better then Rush!

  6. Hmmm...could it be that Kevin is afraid of losing his job once Pedro gets the power to control the board of education. His job at the board is totally useless but he manages to get paid more than most educators who are working harder than he is. He is a joke and that is why I want us to support Kevin brook man for office. He will stop this nonsense.

  7. Anonymous @1:25am:

    I appreciate your comments, the important thing is to keep in mind I am only one voice out of nine if I have the opportunity to get on the Council.

    What I will do is still be able to point out these issues as I have been doing for years and try to convince the majority to do the right thing for the Council. That is wht it is important to have a clean sweep of the Council and get a few more people with strong backbones who will stand up for the taxpayers of Hartford, rather than just doing what they are told to keep to politicians happy.

  8. You just said the magic word to finally send roldan packing il vote and support brookman

  9. You just said the magic word to finally send roldan packing il vote and support brookman

  10. Kevin your voice came across loud, clear and to the point the other night. You HEARD the questions and you ANSWERED the questions, others talked all around and said NOTHING. I want Council people who WILL bring about change in the best interests for the residents of this City. You may get my support yet.

  11. Pay attention to what Kevin is saying. You need to vote for him AND a bunch more people, otherwise all you will get is a lot of 8-1 votes with Kevin on the losing side.

  12. it doesnt matter since almost everyone running is either corrupt or incompetant for the office they are seeking.

  13. Roldan is a Legend of his own mind no integrity whatsoever
