Thursday, July 21, 2011


I have received quite a few phones calls and e-mails asking for the specifics on who I was referring to in yesterdays "Boiling Point" post.

For more information and to answer your questions, follow the links below.

The "ethically challenged" attorney:

The alleged sexual assault of a minor:


  1. Kevin, do you know whether Alex Aponte exercised his right to have that decision reviewed?

  2. Rich,

    That I'm not sure. I do know that he paid over $50,000 to settle the fines for the person that he claimed wasn't his client.

    The ruling by the Committee seems pretty clear as to his actions

  3. He did not appeal and has accepted the reprimand.

  4. HYPROCRACY REPORT # 1...Shirley Surgeon...more to follow on others

    During the Gubernatorial campaign Sean Arena and Bruce Rubenstein extracted an agreement with Dan Malloy to hire Shirley Surgeon in the campaign and to maintain an office in Hartford.To his credit Malloy kept his word and did both.

    Normally when people go out of their way to get you a job, you owe them somethng politically and/or morally and ethically.But there is little morals and ethics in Hartford politics.

    I said the above as a backdrop for last night's convention.Ms Surgeon passed and waited until the last possible moment,to be sure that her vote wouldnt matter in the outcome,and then voted for Sean Arena for Council.Is this how you treat someone who helped get you a nice well paid job with the Governor, when no one else would hire you?

    Ms Surgeon was politically and personally friendly with Brookman for years and had committed her vote to him at the convention. Needless to say there was no vote from her to him. So much for Ms Surgeon's word.

  5. Is it true that the deal between the Mayor and Wooden, was that wooden backs out of the mayoral race and runs for council, and Pedro would get him the presidents seat, and when the Gov. Gives Pedro a judgeship Wooden would take over?

  6. Rich Wareing..

    Since you find Kennelly to be of sufficient moral rectitude to be a political honcho within Hartford politics, is it also the same for you with Alex Aponte?

  7. Onlookers saw Minnie Gonzalez and Ramon Arroyo throw their support for Adam Cloud.I would not be surprised if Adam Cloud wins, to see him appoint Ramon Arroyo as Deputy Treasurer.Mr Arroyo knows about finance and money and in making sure the same is circulated among the working poor in Hartford, as evidenced by his patronizing "working girls" on Broad street some time ago.Or Mr Cloud may choose to appoint Mr Arroyo's stepson Ivan Maldonado as Deputy Treasurer.Mr Maldonado is presently up on charges for sexually assaulting a 12 year old girl.Then again Mr Cloud might want to recruit any one of a number of felons from the town committee....

  8. Cloud offered the Deputy Treasurer job to Minnie (and a few others) to get the nomination. Though he will try and double cross Minnie, she will make him fall into line. Makes you wonder why he wants the job. Oh wait, the right to hire consultants running the city's $1 billion pension. After this deal Ramon and Minnie will have enough cash to be the next JLo & Marc Anthony of Hartford!

  9. Kevin, is it true you're running with RJo Winch and the gang that tried to put Roldan in charge of our City pension fund?

  10. The City's Pension fund will fail if any of Cloud's Clowns get in.... Why does it have to be this way?

  11. Where does Cloud live? His Cloud for Treasurer website says he's raising his kids "here". A search on the city assessor page shows that he and his wife own a 2 bedroom condo on Asylum Ave. His website shows a pic of him, his wife, 2 daughters and 1 son. If they are all living in that condo, I guess it's tight quarters.

  12. Cloud only "lives" in Hartford so he can have his job and run again. You wont find him in the condo very often.

  13. What is Cloud's primary address then?
