Friday, July 1, 2011


Well, some of Hartford's budget problems could be eased by the latest retirement at the Hartford Police Department, Assistant Chief Lester McKoy is calling it quits. Numerous sources have confirmed that McKoy is retiring from HPD. McKoy had also retired from the Stamford Police Department and was collecting a pension from Stamford.

The savings to the City of Hartford and the taxpayers should be substantial. No longer will we have to pay for McKoy's daily commutes to and from his home in Stamford with his city issued vehicle. No longer will we have to pay for the bodywork and repairs after the unexplained crashes with his city car. No longer will we have to pay the tickets when he runs the New York tolls in his city vehicle.

Connecticut State Police are also breathing a sigh of relief knowing that Chief McKoy will no longer be racing to his hairdresser's appointments with the lights and siren blaring on Interstate 91.

Hopefully, Chief McKoy will agree to come back one last time to celebrate the issuance of the Rudewicz report when the report is turned over to the City. A retirement party will most likely be planned with a special showing in HD of the Pawtucket Street video that was withheld from the firearms review board.

Mayor Segarra, at a press conference this morning, also confirmed that one Assistant Chief position will be eliminated. A second Assistant Chief position also may be eliminated to conform with the budget resolution passed by the Hartford City Council last month.

UPDATE 4:30PM FRIDAY: These actions are not a retirement by Chief McKoy. According to a source knowledgeable with the specifics, McKoy's position as Assistant Chief will be eliminated as of July 15, 2011. In a letter from Chief Roberts to Mayor Segarra yesterday, the position is apparently being cut to comply with the Council's budget cuts to the HPD budget. On April 18, 2011 the Council attempted to eliminate 2 Command staff positions totalling $300,000 as well as cutting $500,000 from the Police overtime budget ( so much for the Council being serious about Public Safety). One more Command staff position may be cut to reach the $300,000 amount demanded by the Council, but then again, it is not clear if the Council has the authority to slash specific positions. It appears by Charter that they do not have that power.

As the Assistant Chief with the lowest amount of total time at HPD, although he is the longest serving Assistant Chief, McKoy will be the first to be cut when his position is eliminated July 15. Other Command Staff "shake-ups" are to be expected in the next couple weeks also according to the source.


  1. smartest man alive no matter what has been said about him...he will be laughing everytime he walks to his mailbox

  2. I agree with all those savings. But you left a couple out. Imagine how much more work the gals in records will get done now! But most importantly, and seriously, the lost monies based on bad decisions in the labor process, the discipline process and the grievances. The sad thing is, the city will be paying hundreds of thousand, and more likely millions in total for McKoy related decisions. Like it or not, the city paid Murtha for a day’s work today... and yesterday, and tomorrow... He will collect it all in the end. So why isn't he back at work? Roberts and McKoy have stood steadfastly against his return, just like Secore, and the payouts are coming. Let’s not even get into the personnel decisions that have led to record setting litigation. Some, if not most, of those will lead to city settlements. Geeze I am glad the end is near.

    But the most glaring questions remains, did Roberts cut McKoy because of the impending Rudiwiecz report? Did McKoy want out before it was released? I mean let’s get real. All those McKoy incidents- not one McKoy IAD or Ifile investigation. hmmmm. Something stinks.
    fyi, Kevin, in your picture on the blog, you are standing on East Hartford Soil.

  3. I'm well aware of the boundaries, I wanted to be on the Hartford side of the border but I didn't want to push my luck. I was able to walkj on water almost to the middle of the river, but I had a new suit on so I came back to the dock to make it easier for the photographer.

    It is a great backdrop though and makes you realize the potential if things were run properly

  4. I just can't belive it! No wonder Hartford is in the mess that it is.If I work in Hartford, but live somewhere else, whose going to pay for me to get to work? ME! Cutting the overtime budget is just brilliant! I mean, the cops can't "Git 'er done" on straight time, why should the city throw good money after bad? I think the entire P.D needs a shake up from the top down! The State Police will be in town AGAIN. How much is this going to cost the taxpayers of Connecticut AGAIN? And for what? After the state police leave, it will be business as usual. Regionalism? NO THANKS!!!

  5. hpd 3ft tall grassJuly 2, 2011 at 2:20 AM

    Wow, People can say what they want about Mc Coy, but he is riding off into the sunset with a fistful of cash.....( Kinda like a cross between Clint Eastwood and Billy Dee Williams)

    The records divsion will now double their productivety....

  6. The new dept should be named in his honor......

  7. The City insurance carriers can breath a sigh of relief........

  8. Now that some cleaning is being done, when are we going to put some logical leadership up there. It has been borderline comical, like a road runner cartoon for many years.
    Now is time to take back the city and build a better environment for citizens. I give kevin a lot of credit, because it would be easy to collect a check and not care. But it seems to me that kevin actually might do some good. I'm just sick and tired of the same old political song and dance. I just change the channel when I see the Mayor come on. maybe that will change..

  9. Hopefully the next to go is that bully Horvath. If he is not next then what little morale in the dept. will get even worse. If the Mayor wants the support of his police officers he needs to listen to them and not the line of BS he has been fed. Oh yeah, Horvath has been heard saying he won't go quietly and that Pedro won't get elected Mayor if he loses his job. Nice threats by a man who started a political campaign with certian members of council and e mail assault with community leaders who he's never met.

  10. Seeing right thru the BSJuly 3, 2011 at 12:57 PM

    Anon 7:55 are u serious??? That was the deal, give DooWop some crazy, insane retirement package that he didn't earn and that way they can keep Horvath and Heavren. Duh!!! Nobody at 55J thought either one of the A/Cs supposedly on the chopping block were ever going anywhere. City Council has no juice and this is proof positive of that fact. Get rid of the Master Criminal, then promise Wooden some kinda deal and it'll remain business as usual. After DKR rides off into the sunset with his bank breaking package and Horvath takes over the throne, BEWARE! especially if your not one of the guys who got a (where do u wanna go?) phone call after he made AC...and most of us aren't.

  11. I wish Robert ford was on the same boat if he stays il be so happy to see him in the hot seat can't wait. Mc crash you are a total disgrace to the uniform you and your partner in crime Roberts cost the city millions just because of your tuna fish ego. So long loserrrrrr enjoy the money while you can.

  12. It seems that a lot of anger will now be shifted towards Horvath now that Mc Crash is riding off into the sunset with bags of money.
    I think it is unfair at this point to start comparing Horvath to Darth Vader.... If you can't beat him, join him....

  13. It is rather comical that the City has all this agenda money to toss around when it comes to politics, but the 3foot tall grass is taking over parts of the city.
    - Also Enfield Street looks like a war zone out of CNN. But I guess no one cares......

  14. When is Enfield Street going to be cleaned up. That street has had more gun related incidents then a Dirty Harry Movie..
    Why not put a walk beat on it
